
57 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • K'sariya

    This! Skype used to have this feature and it was nice.

  • Geratius

    Slack has it too. You can type your own keywords and get notified when somebody typed it.

  • Simone


  • The Computer Guy

    Yeah, like a list of subscribed words that Discord checks through when messages are said. Maybe regular expressions could be allowed.

  • Kaera Neko

    I'm noticing that this is getting downvoted. Can someone explain why?

    Is it a bad suggestion altogether, or (excuse me if this is the case) did I post it in the wrong forum?

  • bastet_of_orion
    Stalkers, trolls, and other unsavoury individuals would *adore* this option, so it's better to err on the side of caution and not implement it.
  • Kaera Neko

    Point taken. It's very sad that we can't have nice things.

  • bastet_of_orion
    Unfortunately :/ I can definitely see how this would be useful, though, especially in large servers that get hundreds of messages a day, but there's more downsides than upsides to it.
  • davidhellmann


  • Natetronn

    Yes please!

  • Riceball


  • Gretchen

    I could really use this feature. Unless there is some way to be notified if someone says your name so you know when to go back to the chat tab. I am vision-impaired so hearing my name being called would be very helpful.

  • ketwyn

    Agreed, this is a very useful feature that is implemented well in Slack already. The use case of someone typing your name, but not using the @ to directly tag your user is just one example of how this is useful.

    And I fail to see the validity to the argument that this would cause spam or bots to have a new vector to hit a user. The keyword settings would be a Preferences setting, and not visible to other users. So a bot or spammer would have to just randomly start trying words to see if any work. Not likely to happen.

  • ♗Belashion♗

    Cool idea! I put in the request area something similar, and got an email back from Joshua. Thanks, Joshua! I think this would be a good thing, like incase there was talk of A raid in a server or profanity in a sfw server

  • sparkle

    ya i could use this if it worked for both keywords and usernames. i'd like a notification when a specific raid is being talked about or specific people are talking. lots of clutter this would cut through.

  • Fog771

    isn't there any bot that would DM an specific person when a specific word is said?
    or is it possible to make a bot that can do that?

  • DawgPwnd

    this is such a useful feature in Slack where I get hundreds of messages a day. Would love something similar with Discord. It's too bad it's gone this long unimplemented.

  • Drktgnn

    @bastet_orion : after all, such an option would  be used at the discretion of the user, so you can activate it on chats that are well controlled and moderated only for example. Anyhow, I cam currently going daily on some serveurs, manually searching for the keywords I want news about to see what's up... so not only do i get the trolls, but furthermore this is painful manual work ^^

  • AnorexicPandas

    would love this feature

  • Leopold

    There are many utilitarian use cases where this would be positive, I am not seeing the logic of the detractors.  I would love this ability in my server.

  • Wulfgrin

    Much needed!

  • Kaera Neko

    Slightly unrelated, but why am I not the original poster anymore? Did my suggestion get merged with an already existing one, or was it abbreviated because my argument was too lengthy?

  • Riceball


  • itsyaboifranzi

    this would be so great to have! they 100% should add this if they can

  • madsun


  • Testzi

    As a moderator of 3 servers, this would be really useful

  • koda

    would appreciate this feature

  • phrosty

    I'd like this too. If someone mentions one of the things i'm in charge of, I'd like to be notified.

  • KuntLord4 [DeathWish4]

    Can someone please work on this? Mmorpg games with no server matching sucks. This would be an efficient way to go around that group finding process for a clan chat


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