[Suggestion] Some suggestions for chat improvement
Greetings! Not sure if you were already told about this, but for the sake of science (and Discord, of course!) I made a little research after created second Discord accound, logging in from my desktop computer and my main account on phone. I've noticed the absence of some feature which is pretty straightforward in most of messangers such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and russian Vkontakte. The idea is this - when sent message is deleted or edited by sender, in pop-up notifications content of this message on the phone of receiver changes (or disappears if it's deleted) as well. Unfortunately, my little research with Discord showed that messages sent to the phone while it is connected with the Internet remains as it is in pop-up notifications. I'm wandering, did you know about this, guys?
Another thing I've noticed during this research is that when you exit the Discord on the phone (turning of the app and the Internet) it has a pretty long feedback on turning your status from Online or DND to the "grey" offline. Not sure if it is somehow important, but that's what I've noticed.
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