User Limit on Direct Message Groups
ตอบแล้วI know you've all heard this so many times before.
I know it's not the biggest problem.
My friends and I have had this problem for the longest time.
The limits on Direct Message groups are insanely low, especially if you have many friends. My friends on Discord all like to have group chats with each other so we can hang out and chat. The problem is, DM Groups have a very low limit of 10 people. In my opinion, this is too low.
CA (Counter Argument): Just create a server and chat there!
R (Response): My friends and I want to screen share with each other and do not want a clogged server list, so this is out of the question.
CA: Just remove and add people when they want to join!
R: We've tried this and it has not worked out well. Everyone in the call is very active and we cannot remove anyone without them getting mad. Also that's just ridiculous.
This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
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I agree with this alot.
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@Starfield_9 Simple, add a limit to how many people can screen share at once.
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There's an way where you can screenshare on servers. You need to join the desired VC and then post a link like "(https)://{server's ID}/{voice chat's ID}" and click it. This only works on PC though, not sure if mobile Discord even has screen/video share features yet.
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@-~ While this works, it's very buggy and not officially supported by Discord.
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