add a translate to messages


69 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • DemonaDenmar

    I think your first option is actually a great one but you need an additional piece of logic to the programming. It needs to look at the message recipients native language. Meaning that users would, at their personal profile level, set their native language. Then the system could in theory auto translate any message that is not that native language to it without issue or notification or the forced feeling.

  • Alkazarl

    I really like this idea. When I was thinking about it before I did a search I was thinking to implement a new bot. When you add the bot you choose which language your server uses, then whenever a message comes up in a different language the bot could trigger, and translate it into the servers main language.

  • R C N
    you have Google translate...
  • chemnitzel

    DeepL <3

  • TheFutureKnight

    Nice idea, upvoted

  • aftoner
    this would be p cool to see because right now if we wanna translate something we have to copy the message and head on over to google translate. this would speed up the process so much!
  • Max J.

    Aka, just like on Facebook and Twitter, definitely up-vote! This will be especially useful when you run a multilingual discord server.

  • Haroon

    This is a rubbish idea


  • lengo
    This is a really cool idea! I think it would be a great addition to Discord.
  • Jason H

    Or a little option that shows below the message saying "Translate" in gray letters or something similar (except hopefully won't use the trash Microsoft translations like Twitter lol)

  • Frosty
    That's actually possible with a Discord bot that I forgot its name. It's a nice though.
  • bannanna

    there is a good bot for this but it costs money - search "Discord Translator" on google

  • bannanna

    ^ search for "Discord Translator bot".. it costs money

  • bannanna

    a bot that does exactly what you want already exists, but it costs money - look for Discord Translator bot

  • Defracted

    I like it! This is would be really usefull!

  • b-morgan

    The problem with a bot is that the server owner has to be involved. I'd prefer a native implementation that let's each user decide when translation is needed.

  • rockyglass

    I hope Discord addes there own I currently use Smoogle, but they charge to auto translate messages. And it is very sluggish sometimes or doesn't send the message and you have to redo it. Would be nice if Discord had it so that it Auto translated the messages.

  • Anatomis (Perfect)

    Yes. Very good idea. Half or more of Discord users speak English and it's an universal language but many people cannot understand or speak it. I think it can be translated to their own language so it can be easier to understand and respond.

  • AliceFairy♡

    Hope they add this someday as 2 of main servers im in are mostly spanish and i dont speak spanish

  • Valeant

    Until recently, when you right-click on the button "Download application" in the Google Chrome browser, opened the context menu of the browser, where there is a translation function. Currently, this context menu does not appear. This is very inconvenient, as I communicate with players from other countries and I don't know English well, I have to copy the text of a separate message manually into the translator.
    Please consider adding the translation function to browser and application.

  • Милт

    Absolutely agree. It is necessary to implement this as soon as possible. It is inconvenient to copy the text of each message and translate it using an online translator. This is a standard Google Chrome browser option which is actually blocked only on the Discord website.

  • draterttv

    Amazing idea but would be difficult to do I think. Unless you was thinking like what Facebook does and have an auto translate and language detector.

  • YannisDran

    I came here exactly for this. Discord app only allows for the body of a message to be copied as a whole, but most imes i don't need 20 lines to be translated, only one single word.

  • lengo
    That’d be useful.
  • shard

    That can make English only moderators and admins job much easier

  • Dmitryborcov

    Waiting for translator!!!

    Жду переводчик!!!

  • Mustache_Man

    Good idea, maybe even add a translation option on the upper right corner when viewing a different language channel.

  • Милт

    Maybe you misunderstood. In the Chrome browser, there is already a button for translating the language, but it does not work on the Discord website. It is necessary to right-click anywhere and select "translate" and Chrome browser translates any site except Discord, because the standard menu has been deleted in Discord and this button simply does not exist.

  • brightness
    This would definitely be useful for server moderators who need to make sure that content from other languages that they don't speak follows the rules without having to open up something like Google Translate.
  • Slick007uk


    I join a server that supports RUS main / some English , so a very simple displayed Tab button to activates a translate command would be a nice feature to change the language suited for your understanding. :)


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