Desktop notifications appearing offscreen



10 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • ข้อคิดเห็นอย่างเป็นทางการ
    Dabbit Prime

    If you have a general question about Discord please contact our support team via or tweet us @discordapp. This website is specifically for new feature suggestions to add to Discord. As such, I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.

  • なつみ つじ

    Same here.

  • lavender

    Glad I'm not the only one.

  • CryingEevee524

    happening with me too, took me a while to realize they were still there but offscreen

  • ILC

    More like 3 pixels for me, but yeah, I'm unable to read the notifications. This happened a few updates back, so for me it was an update for a least a week ago. I am running Discord PTB on Windows 7 ultimate. Is anyone else?

    EDIT: I am only using one monitor btw

  • Miya

    mine are off-screen too, started noticing no notifications and some glitching at the corner of my screen, finally figured it out a just now. Windows 7 Professional with regular discord

  • Zephy

    Same issue and i am on windows 7. I have tried everything short of re-installing windows, which seems abit drastic lol.

  • Koro

    Had the same issue since yesterday, can see the notification thanks to the wiggle animation but just barely, it's mostly off-screen. Windows 7, Aero on, tried resetting GPUCache and didn't help. No other changes to system, didn't update video drivers (Nvidia) or anything.

  • Must

    Same issue here (started happening yesterday after a discord update), win7 pro 64bit, tried re-instal and reset discord appdata folder, also tried to disable my second monitor but the notifications still appear offscreen.

  • Kyle

    same problem, started yesterday with the first update that was posted yesterday.. Win 8.1. already a fresh install of windows cause i replaced the hard drive a few days before. popup notifications were completely visible before yesterday. 

