Can we get an email notification option for messages?



23 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • ข้อคิดเห็นอย่างเป็นทางการ

    Hey there! We've now added a feature so that you're able to manage your email notifications:

  • Blastoise186
    You'll be happy to know this is possible already - if you've never used the mobile apps, then email alerts are turned on by default. Using the mobile apps at least once will disable that however
  • thefilmfund

    Oh, really? I may have misunderstood what Discord meant in this Twitter thread. So you're saying that the default setting is to have email notifications on? What triggers an email notification? @eveyone, DMs, is there a list? Thanks for any help you could offer! :)

  • Rontavius

    Be aware that if you ever disable email alerts there's no way to turn them back on. It's PERMANENT...

    Edit - 2 years later I still get email alerts on this issue, but still no alerts for discord lol

  • thefilmfund

    Hope I didn't do that by accident somehow... I replied to Discord on Twitter again linking to this thread and asking them to clear this up for me. For now I'm telling new members to download the app when I send them the invite link.

  • mgstauff

    I turned email notifications off at some point, and am now stuck like others. I'd like notifications JUST for direct messages - that would be a very useful option.

  • thefilmfund

    Update from Discord support: I guess the best I can do is hope these "update" emails are actually being sent...

  • mgstauff

    Please let us reenable email notifications!!

  • Brucebase

    I have installed the app, but why is it necessary to disable the email notification when I first use the app, and then no option whatsoever to re-enable email notifications.

    Let me re-enable email notifications for my discord-server/account, and use the app at the same time.

  • AstroInvader

    I am working with a group right now who have no experience using discord who are wishing that they could link message notifications to their email. I know this is not currently an option but was wondering if there was a possibility of this feature coming in the future. They are currently struggling to use this platform and we are having issues making sure everyone is notified of things. 

    Please lets this be an option

  • JeremydePrisco

    The fact that Discord allows a user to turn something off without providing an option to turn it back on again is just plain bad UX. I find it fascinating that these next-generation Internet companies are still making the same mistakes of the past. I've seen links to "vote" for this feature to be fixed. We should not have to vote to fix something the company screwed up. Just fix it and make good software with the users in mind!

  • ErikH2000

    I'm finding the lack of email notification to be a problem for using Discord as a tool to make announcements and coordinate work related to a game beta. There are two types of users - 1. people with lots of time that like to check in regularly and see what the community is up to, and 2. people that are busy and want to ignore distractions until it's time to act. Discord is great for catering to the first group, not so good for the second. If you just allow some way to set up/reenable email notification, we can have a good mix of both types.

  • PorscheTurbo

    We WANT to enable email notifications for new messages. Discord, do you even read us? 

  • Corwin

    Yes please. How difficult would it be to add controls for (a) getting emails about mentions and (b) summary emails once a day about activity if you haven't read them?

  • Eskil

    I'll add to this thread: I myself often miss discord messages because I'm not always signed in. It is problematic, I'd really like email notifications, at least for for mentions and direct messages.

  • brayden_asher

    I would agree that enabling a daily update on direct mentions/role mentions, and a weekly update of general activity. 

    ErikH200 mentioned the two types of user groups, and I would confirm that this is the same for an organization that we collectively run, and have many different users with various levels of discretionary/regular activity, versus folks who primarily use discord to coordinate with our team and are not online as often. 

    This feature would really boost the overall activity and "compliance" (wrong word but close enough) of getting a diverse group of users to effectively engage. Meeting people where they are at, is important. Some people do not want notifications for all things, and Discord has a great way of push notifications, however, many folks in our group *do not* want direct-to-phone messages as we are a volunteer-based agency.  So I would recommend EITHER the email option mirroring the above recommendations (direct mentions/role mentions; options for daily alerts, or weekly alerts on general activity) OR allowing to schedule push notifications to a specific time of the day, so folks who want greater boundaries and not getting blown up immediately, and want a bit more structure, can engage in a non-overwhelming way that meets their needs. 

    Update: Email options seem very important though. I asked members of our team, and this was really heavily weighted for them. 


  • Rontavius

    I don't think anyone actually reads these posts.

  • PorscheTurbo

    Discord doesn't give a sh*t about our feedback. All they have to say is to ask us to put more votes. I will remain polite and not write what I think of them.

  • Eóganachta

    LOL, do you think it is unintentional that there are email notifications to keep people engaged at first, but once they touch the settings, they have to install the app to communicate? You naive little puppies, discord wants their email notifications broken for anyone that stays, because they want you, yes you, to try to twist your friends arms to leave discord running all the time. 

  • ErikH2000

    @Eóganachta, that thought occurred to me, and you might be right. There's a less evil version of that where features that get bigger benefits just get coded first. No software team has enough resources to code every possible feature.

    Still, if there is some product manager somewhere that reads this... Discord is potentially a wonderful collaboration tool for creative projects. If you only think of it as an attention-magnet-toy to drive eyeballs, you'll miss a bunch of users. I'm running casting call and testing efforts with 100+ people involved from Discord, and it's a really decent tool for this. But I'm now spending time today creating a separate mailing list outside of Discord to solve my collaboration problems with users that do not want to be "always-on" (AKA "adults").

  • JeremydePrisco

    @Eóganachta I have no doubt you are close to the truth here. But that means it is just a dark pattern manipulating us. So it doesn't speak well for the company any more than the crappy tactics Facebook might use.

  • one

    How do I vote to have this? If email notifications never came I would understand that it's new functionality to add. But it works by default. I've turned it off because I didn't want it at the time... but could I PLEASE have a way to put it back on.

  • JeremydePrisco

    one You could try voting up each of the relevant comments here, but I honestly think it's a waste of everyone's time. See above comments about dark patterns. And go watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix while you are at it!

