[SUGGESTION] Let me see which MUTUAL SERVERS a discord bot SHARES with me! (This way I can warn the the server owner about bot sending out viruses, and at least FIND OUT who the bot owner is (since the server owner would know) and REPORT them to discord)
Let me see which SERVERS a discord bot SHARES with me! (This way I can warn the the server owner about bot sending out viruses, and at least FIND OUT who the bot owner is (since the server owner would know) and REPORT them to discord abuse/support.)
For example, I RANDOMLY received this VERY CONVINCING warning from a Discord BOT. However, I did NOT post any NSFW content at all. Nor was I online at 2:14PM, I was asleep
But I still got tricked into clicking the shady link:
So I clicked the link, it took forever to load (to some virus site I imagine, since the URL was weird as fudge.)
I decided I want to report this bot to the SERVER owner, but I don't know WHICH server the bot is in. Also, the bot is offline, which makes it even hard to look.
I suggest to display MUTUAL SERVERS between a bot and me, the SAME way it shows for discord humans/friends.
I am hoping this would be an easy change.
This is a duplicate of https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360058388052-Mutual-Servers-with-Bots, so I'm closing it, but keep an eye on that post for future updates!
Also, the server owner would like to know in order to ban the bot
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I'm pretty sure this used to be a feature as I think I can remember using it about two years ago, either way support.
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did you know that server had posted nudes
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This would be a great feature to add! 1 -
This would crack down on spam bots. Please, add it (back). 1
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