Find out what server is causing notifications
The notification sound can become very annoying when you can't track down what server is causing the notifications. Some servers I have all messages notify me in the event of an emergency (moderator, for example) and some others I just like to be updated when my friends are having a conversation, or talking about playing a game.
Maybe a drop-down menu in the settings or the home screen to jump to channels/servers that have "all messages" notifications turned on would be helpful, to narrow down who is talking where.
It'd be very helpful for people like me who are involved in 20+ servers.
+1 to this, some alternative suggestions on how to resolve this issue:
-"latest notifications section" in discord home
-have the server icon flash, then go straight to the active chat if the flashing server is selected
This is a serious problem in my eyes, discord is laid out for having live conversations - groups of people all talking quickly, not coming back and responding to each other much later. So that being the case, users NEED to be able to know where a conversation is happening to join in.
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I also find this exceptionally annoying, they could have the individual server flash or a notification box on the homepage like you said. This is a very odd feature to neglect.
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I'm on ~10 servers and lack of some kind of flashing is incredibly annoying.
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+1 I completely agree. Just like you see on the Chrome tabs - a small loudspeaker when there's a sound in a tab. Something similar would be appreciated for specific servers and channels ^^
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I know this is an old thread but this is still a really good suggestion. I'm only in a handful of different servers but it drives me crazy when I get a notification sound then have to go hunting through different servers trying to track down where it came from. Either a flash or light around the server icon or a notification dot or something.I'm not criticising the developers but I don't understand how they expect users to be able to tell where notifications are coming from.
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This really needs a solution.
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Driving me nuts.
Please resolve.
Please suggest something.
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Yes, end this mad cycle: I use discord then after a day I remove it because of this
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Yes please, this issue is bonkers already. I had to just completely mute a server because I have NO CLUE which channel is sending these alerts. At least for the love of god add a color coding tot he channel name, or flash the title,SOMETHING.
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Yes, as someone who is in around 60 servers, I have no reasonable way to discover where a notification sound is coming from, without blanket muting channels which I would rather not do
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I don't understand how people overcome this. I never was able to use Discord because of that, didn't care about it too much. But it's now used by many support teams and it's becoming very useful to me, the notification system and the server list UI are a deal-breaker to me
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I can't believe this issue is more than a year old and it still hasn't been addressed! I am a member of 40-50 servers, and this morning my alerts were going off like a freaking popcorn machine. Usually I get a few a minute (tolerable), but today its dozens and dozens per minute, and it's driving me crazy that I can't easily find the server/channel source of the conversation. I know I can mute globally, or by server, or by channel, but that misses the point! Discord is for conversations, and if I don't know where the conversations are happening, it's almost useless. And to rub sand into the wound, if I get an audible notification that activity is happening, but Discord forces me to go track it down instead of making it EXTREMELY easy to find the source, then this is horrible user experience, unquestionably.
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Absolutely, and I hate to be the guy that doesn't know anything about coding saying this but, "How hard can it be?!?!"
Seriously.2 -
This feature is actually in the desktop version of Discord, tucked away in the functionality of the "inbox" button, (top right). As far as I'm aware however, the mobile clients lack this integration. Discord is notorious for inconsistencies between platforms and versions; I'm not even certain the UI colors match.
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IDK why they just can't have the server icon blink if there's alerts, then once youre in the server, the channel blinks along with a flashing arrow up or down you can click to take you to the closest channel currently with notis going in that direction.
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@Techo oh my god you're right. +100 for the proper answer
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It has been 2 years and there is no solution. It is driving me insane. I just want a simple list of what I receive notifications from so I can remove them all. I have windows 10 fyi.
My only solution is to quit discord by going into the bottom right corner and clicking the little ^, which is the system tray, until I have to use it, or just mute discord in my sound mixer until i need to use the voice channels.
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I agree, this is the dumbest UX for a community chat service... It's maddening hearing notifications pinging away and yet no way of locating where in the hell they are coming from.
Does Discord even have a UX/UI team, do they even use their own software, what is even going on over there because this is a big issue...
Also, trying to control what notifications you get and don't get is too complicated. You shouldn't need a help article to explain your settings Discord. I really dig your app but for the love of god make these things a priority!
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I'm on Windows, and am currently getting notification beeps. Clicking on the flashing tray icon just stops the flashing, and I get absolutely no indication of which server and channel the notification is coming from.3 -
This was driving me nuts this week
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Thank you Techo!!! I was able to remove the red dot on my tray icon for the first time since I started using discord.
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2 years and no solution yet. I am not sure why the Discord devs are so happy to keep the awful parts of their UI design in place. Here's an easy fix, devs: When a user receives a notification, move the server that created the notification to the top of the user's server list. That would fix the problem with minimal effort required. A better fix would be to have another bubble underneath "Home" called "Server Notifications" which shows the messages that caused the notifications and a quick link to those messages, just like what is done in the Search feature.
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wow yet another (lack of a) feature I had to google about, and I wasn't the first..
Wtf is wrong with Discord devs? Its like they ignore us on purpose
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Now I know it wasn't just me suffering...
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Yes and it's apparent that we will continue to suffer since years have gone by now with nothing done.
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2 years ago and still nothing is done! why is this app so popular again!!!?
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Instead of muting everything except the channels you want to be pinged for, the opposite should be true. Things ought to be muted by default unless you want notifications.
And even then, after muting 97% of the channels and subchannels I'm in except for the things I specifically want pings from, I'm getting pinged by something, not sure what.
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Found a solution, mute all channels! xD
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this post was made TWO YEARS AGO. how is there STILL not a solution! I'm only in 10 servers, and it's so frustrating!
can we PLEASE get a notification queue?
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