Clyde Rejected Message Reason Change


10 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • mermaidmaniac

    I disagree. I just had my boyfriend show me that he tried to reply to my DM on discord and it Clyde bot told him he can't DM cause he's blocked when in reality I don't have him blocked. I haven't changed any privacy settings on my account either so it just randomly happened. Would've been more helpful for Clyde bot to give the actual reason it happened rather than a generic reply. 

  • Skip

    Clyde bot isn't letting me send spotify invites to my best friend to listen together. Can you please take care of this issue, Discord.


  • Celeron
    I believe there is a reason for this, which is to make it unclear exactly why. If it says that you're blocked, the user may be more likely to continue to harass the user on another account. This was also the case for invite links, which displayed as 'Invalid' if banned up until very recently.
  • Vas

    Yea, imagine you're talking to someone important and suddenly the servers go down like they did today and you think that person blocked you.

    Or even the above where the boyfriend thinks that he was blocked. Its a recipe for disaster in an emotionally charged situation.

    In my case, I was talking to some people in my discord server about aviation and suddenly all my messages started to fail, in my own SERVER. All I got was the generic bot message like wtf.

  • Thorben

    And if you can´t send them a message, the text field should be blocked like in text channels where you don´t have the writer permission.

    Otherwise you take time to write a message, just to see it not going through because he disabled direct messages from server members.

    I would like to know beforehand, if I can write him a message.

  • ᗢLeFrenchDoggoᗢ

    Clyde isn't letting me send Spotify invites to anyone or any server.

  • Shrenik Is Playing

    pls do something that allows us to send messages to the user which we are contacting it has happened with me 2 times before also and it's very annoying sorry to say but it is i just made the user my friend chatted with the user sometime and then this clyde bot came and it's not letting me send messages to the user pls do something of this clyde bot :(


  • Shrenik Is Playing

    and the user hasn't even blocked me 

  • RustIsgA!e

    Whenever i report something to discord, clyde bot seems to always reply to me and take no action.

    Is there a way you can contact moderators?

  • charitwo
    It's non-specific for privacy reasons. If you can't DM them you can't DM them. It shouldn't matter why.

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