Copy And Paste issues


74 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • epicoswald88

    I can vouch for this; I was the one she was showing it too and I can confirm that it is indeed not working.

  • GhostGoddess

    I can agree that this isn't working and I am unable to use the keyboard commands either to paste anything to any of the text channels.

  • 4S_fam

    yeah true i cant anymore sending links are hard tooo pls fix it

  • 4S_fam

    yeah true i cant anymore sending links are hard tooo pls fix it

  • Derikson

    Same issue here!!!!!!! Cant Right click & paste anything, Cant right click & copy anything, anywhere in the discord window. Tried a different wireless mouse, a corded mouse, different browsers, nadda. Even after firing up my older Windows 10 laptop (opposed to my tower) STILL no luck... SO, after trying Other MULTIPLE Machines, hardware, connections, Operating Systems (windows xp, 7, 8, 10) Do Not tell me its MY (all of our) Account or (All of our) My Machines causing the issue.

    wtf did you do discord?! For the love of Christ, even the BOTS arent taking commands properly or at all either!!!!

  • Mr Black

    i noticed if u come out of discord completly then log back on u can paste one link or sentence .......then it locks again

  • Starlightwolves12

    Same exact issue! I want to share a link to a fanfiction I'm writing, can't paste anything! Right clicking, nothing shows up.

  • Kirsten010

    Same here no right click please solve this it's very frustrating


  • ShyOmission (Dana)

    Same issue here, but instead of just copy and paste being borked, being able to spellcheck the lazy way(R clicking on the squiggly underlined words.) is too.

  • Scoob

    Same for me. cannot copy and paste

  • Nameless

    Same, quite sure this only started happening today, as I did paste things yesterday. I've yet to find a fix that works for me.

  • Bigjet71

    Agreed, this function was working before but I have tried from my home pc and my work pc, cannot copy/paste in search/text bar. If I click on a user name and then right click on message, it will allow a copy paste there. This is on the desktop I'm talking about, the mobile version on phone is fine but I use desktop primarily. Please look into..Was there a recent update or something?

  • Galaxyrose

    If you use the keyboard cheat Ctrl -V you can paste, there is somthing wrong with discord but this cheat on the keyboard works.

  • TwistedToonTaylor (Ota's Bean)

    I've been having issue with this as many others have. I have noticed that if you type out a few characters and highlight it as if to copy you can paste over it to get links in. But copy pasting on discord is a complete no go otherwise.

  • Nameless

    I too am on desktop, and unfortunately, none of the suggestions here work for me. Pasting does work in DMs, but the keyboard shortcut - the first thing I tried, as that's the normal way of pasting for me - doesn't work, right clicking doesn't work at all in the text area, and highlighting text and then rightclicking does allow me to try to paste via right click, but it does nothing. Considering that the channels I am in are basically places where we can paste text we write in proper text editor programs and then share them via the chat, this is making Discord very much unusable.

  • Nameless

    Some updates: I am currently able to paste text that is under the 2k character limit, if it goes over it, it doesn't even try or give me the message that it's over the limit. The limit is a bit misleading, as this bug triggers even when my text editor says I have less than 2k characters, so I assume some characters count as more than 1 in Discord.

  • sojourner

    I am having the same problem: can not paste. When I right click nothing happens.


  • Cardinal System

    I can't even do Ctrl + V

  • Bad Intentions☠

    I am also having this issue. I can copy things but when I go to paste them in a discord channel the option will not come up.

  • Cecylia

    Happens to me too 😿.  Copy paste works on the web interface though.

  • Byte

    I can't paste an image with my keyboard and that's on both the Desktop & Web versions of Discord. 

  • sojourner

    I sent in a request and have not received a fix yet. Is anyone looking into helping with this problem?

  • WaqStaquer

    Can confirm. It's the same for images

  • SiL _S14

    The image pasting hasn't been working for few days now...


  • Byte

    I got a reply on Twitter saying to try and do a fresh install following these steps

    It didn't work for me but it might do for you since it seems there are multiple issues here..

  • WaqStaquer

    thanks man

  • Iceman3317

    I have also been having this problem. For a few days. I could copy and paste and then I had to refresh in order for me to post again.

    Now, I can't copy and paste at also. So I can't send links or anything. It also isn't just the App, but the website version as well.

    And even before all thins, links weren't linking correctly.

  • Exy

    i'm also having this problem when is this gonna get fixed?

  • Scooter

    I have Same problem here....Is there a fix?... It is getting pretty annoying. I can copy and paste in Mozilla FireFox, but I can not do it on the Brave Browser.

    Is this a compatibility issue between the Brave Browser and the Discord server?

  • sojourner

    Switched from Chrome to Firefox and I can copy paste in Firefox



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