Pin Limit
In channels and DMs the pin limit is only 50 messages. It feels as though in long-lasting servers and DMs with old friends it is so difficult to keep the pins to 50 messages, when you have to constantly delete old pins. Why is it not possible to increase the pin limit to at least 100 if not more?
Agreed. I think the pin limit should be removed entirely, or maybe allow server owners to set the pin limit themselves.
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Word on that! Pins are great but 50 just seems 2 restricting. Discord is smothering my friends' genius
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Super down with this! I just tweeted at discord and they directed me here.
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+1! Discord please
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+1! Pins should not be restricted! For years thought Discord is the perfect app, until realizing about mentioned restriction issue, few days ago.
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+1! Me and my friends just hit our limit and now we ha e to make a second group chat for our beloved group chat pins! Although for now we have a fix it's relatively invonvent and unmotivating!
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I completely agree. Me and my friends recently hit the limit, and had to create a completely new group chat so that we could still preserve the pins
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+1 I firmly believe that if the pin limit was removed absolutely noone would complain and many would rejoice. How hard is it to remove a feature? Just do it, @Discord
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While everyone would prefer not having a pin limit by default, even having to pay for this feature would still be better than not having the ability to change it at all. This is something that needs to change.
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+1! I totally agree, my friends and i love pinning stupid messages and we keep running into the pin limit, we get upset when we have to remove our old pins! We might as well not have a pin limit to begin with!!!
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+1 Why isn't this implemented yet? Discord, please, this would be an absolute life saver. I hate having to remove memorable messages to make for new ones. The only fix is creating new channels which is such a hassle.
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I've gotten tired of waiting for discord to fix this issue and hired as developer to make me a bot that saves pins to a separate channel.
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+1 we bumped into the pin limit too and were quite surprised about this limitation
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Okay, so after waiting for discord to put out any kind of response for aslong as I have, I've decided to hire a coder buddy of mine to make a bot that copies pinned messages into a separate catagory ECT. Meaning infinite pins. I assume there are rules against advertising here but I'm sure I can direct you if anyone wants the bot (Currently in beta but it works fantastically)
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i would love a link to that
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Unlimited pins would be HUGELY beneficial for Fandom Servers -- it would allow shared fanart to be easily found without having to scroll endlessly through chat. It's confusing to have a pin limit to begin with (especially such a small one) because larger servers with multiple members are bound to hit the limit fast. I'm sure it's especially a problem among groups of friends who just use Discord for chatting -- I imagine they'd run into the limit quite fast.
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A link to the bot author, as requested
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Why are pins still limited??
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Please remove or increase the limitt :D
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We need unlimited pins!
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+1 for unlimited pins
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I strongly agree. This is a big problem in an education server. We can't pin important notes because of this limit. Discord should do something about it.
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+1, totally agree
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+1 this should be a channel or server setting where admins can set the limit buy server and or channel
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+1 for unli pins. It actually helps with keeping track of assignments, memories, and other stuff.
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+1 It's been 4 years. 4 damn years since people asked for an increase on the limit. I have friends on discord that I have known for at least 4 years. There's 365 days in one year. Discord, you're asking me to pick 50 specific moments in 1460+ days of time that I've spent with these friends. When obviously there a lot more memories I would like to be able to preserve than that. It's honestly heartbreaking to see over 1000 feedback messages on discord support asking for the pin limit to either go up, or be removed. And discord just directs us here without ever giving an answer or acknowledging this problem for longtime users. I can't make a second DM's tab with my friends. Maybe in a server I could, but why is there a pin limit in DM's if there's literally nothing I can do to keep pinning messages? Important pictures, information, links, conversations, recordings, all having to be drowned into years of DM's, never for me to be able to find them again. It's depressing. Please resolve this issue, discord. Or at least give people a reasonable explanation/answer as to why you can't instead of saying "because we said so" on twitter, like us understanding why something can't happen doesn't really matter. It's rude.
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This pisses me off so damn much. I've reached the limit but it doesn't even look like much, and I do not want to unpin any of them. The channel history is unlimited, so pinned messages should be as well!!!
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I posted this original thread almost 2 years ago and never heard back from any support at all. It's a bit ridiculous, considering
A) clearly I'm not the only person with this issue if people are still being directed here
B) it doesn't seem like a very difficult thing to fix. I submitted another request but if I still don't hear back I'll have to find a different app to use. 50 pins for friends I've known 3+ years? come on.5 -
My buddy has his bot almost fully functional if you want unlimited pins in a server, DMs however are still a problem, and I wouldn't blame you for leaving over it.
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