Auto-scroll doesn't function when app not active window
เสร็จสมบูรณ์After latest update auto-scroll stopped functioning when application isn't active window, e.g. on second monitor as passive chat window. Now chat auto-scroll until red line with "NEW" is at top of the window and then just stops there even when there is more and more new messages. To see latest messages you have to make application active window and by hand scroll down.
Then chat may randomly jump back up to random point of time in past messages for no apparent reason.
This change makes Discord worthless as chat you have open to passively follow your e.g. gaming community only to participate in chat when need or have to. For me to now stay up to date with latest goings on I need to keep application as my main active window 24/7 or constantly shift full focus to it and keep manually scrolling down.
Can this change be reversed or at least give option to enable auto-scroll to be as it was?
A fix for this has been rolled out.
I'm having the same issue, hoping for fix as soon as possible
6 -
This makes it literally impossible to follow chat while multi tasking / gaming on primary monitor, Please Fix.
7 -
There is already a big red "NEW" marker in chat to show you the message you last read while Discord was your active window. There is simply no need to halt auto-scrolling. In fact, this is detrimental as most people have Discord up as a secondary window while working on something else. Now we are unable to follow the conversation since the scrolling stops. This is extremely annoying.
Please revert this change.
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