Gifs Won’t Work


64 ข้อคิดเห็น

  • EisenhouwerNL

    Have the same problem 😭 IOS and PC

    before I upload they move but not on Discord 😞

  • Kyuubitamer

    I’m having the same issue with my iOS, I’m sad that I can’t send gifs out either.

  • 𝑇𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑠𝑇𝑜𝑎𝑠𝑡

    Me neither I just noticed it now

  • pseudoprince_

    im having the same problem! hey discord staff, im suffering

  • Volatile

    Same here! It’s infuriating. Do we have any word on if they’ve addressed this or not yet?

  • EisenhouwerNL

    I got this response from Discord:

    Ruffy (Discord)

    Feb 10, 13:04 PST

    Hi EisenhouwerNL‍,

    Thank you for patiently waiting here.

    Just to give you a heads up, this issue with uploaded gifs not playing is currently a known issue that is on our team's radar. I want to reassure you that our team is on the case and working on a fix, however, I sadly don't have an exact ETA for when a solution will be available.

    Here's a link with more information:

    I'm so sorry that we don't have an immediate solution for you, but please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime and I'd be happy to help.

    So I think will need to wait 😩
  • Garros

    Found my own solution to the problem, don’t save gifs to you camera roll. Use gif apps for example GIFY and copy the gif directly and paste in the discord channel or DM etc. That works fine.

    Hope that helps 🙂

  • Gryflion

    Please fix this. Let me post gifs from my camera roll please 🥺


    Same problem, I really need this fixed because i need to design my role channels and everything.

  • KChat

    What broke this? When a feature that worked fine previously suddenly fails, it hints at worse problems in the code... Uploading GIFs from the camera roll is how most people on mobile interact with them. I have an entire curated folder of GIFs that are now useless in Discord... Please fix this! (iOS 13.3.1)

  • Nuggs

    This is fixed on the current beta version of the iOS app and should be fine on the next update :)

  • тартарос

    I have the same problem and now I’m I just died inside

  • Lucifer MorningStar

    Same issue here! Who do I have to punish for this bloody screw up?! Is there a way to download and older version of the app for the meantime?

  • Nuggs

    If you are currently running an iOS device you can go to which will have instructions. Once the patch is live you can simply install the normal version of the app again

  • LoupSolitaire

    A month later and this issue still isn't resolved. Weird part is, last week I could post gifs and they worked. This is only new to me this week.

  • Last_Resort

    Now I have to hover my mouse over a gif for it to play

  • Frozt

    I have the same problem since a week ago, the gifs won't play unless I hover on them, worst part is that it seems it's been a month and they still haven't solved it yet.

  • Dremifrenny

    I also have this problem. When I send a gif, picture, or video in only 1 server, it would say "An unknown error has occurred" from the bot Clyde.

  • Doctor Who

    Today iOS update fixed the issue. At least it did for me on iPad. The problem was on Apple’s end, not Discord’s.

  • Stormi

    My gif's wont even remotely load it just buffers and when i'm trying to add it as my pfp it just freezes. its getting really annoying.

  • GrellSutcliff

    I download a gif, and then try to put it in Discord, keep in mind I've got Nitro. Well, it displays as a gif UNTIl I hit save, and then it's just an image. I pay for Nitro ONLY for the animated gif, this is a waste of my money right now and is severely asking for a quick solution, Discord team. 

  • Chief Sosa

    Just got the problem my gif’s won’t work as a pfp. I use IOS but they work fine in chats and etc, I’m a nitro user and it’s kinda annoying.

  • Tobirama senju

    my gif doesn't work for my pfp pic if you can fix dm me Tobirama senju

  • Kirk Hammett

    Fix yo shit pleasr

  • orphiius

    gifs also don’t work for a pfp for ios for me. is there a reason why?

  • pumpkin

    It’s not working again

  • .Gecko.

    Just go to Settings - Appearance - Disable 'Reduced Motion'. Done :)

  • Kirk Hammett

    On discord ? Or in ios

  • EmberSoot

    I am on PC and my discord pfp isn't playing. Even when I hover over it. It is saved as a gif.

  • SolarEclipz

    So the fix for me on iOS:

    In discord go hamburger menu>avatar (bottom right of menu)>”Text & Images”>”automatically play gifs when possible”

    That option was turned off for me, turning it on allowed gifs to play without issues.


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