Now that Discords baby notification settings are all grown up, we gave them their own home to move out to. Introducing, the fancy new Notification Settings menu which can be found by right-clicking on a server's name.
Oh man, awesome.
There are a couple of different topics to cover in the new menu, so we'll break it down into a few sections:
Notification Settings Topics:
2. Server Notification Settings
3. Channel Notification Settings
Part one: Server-wide Mute
Simplest addition first. Instead of muting each channel individually, you can check the mute server box to auto-mute each channel within the server. Keep in mind, this is a blanket mute, and isn't selective. You'll notice that the bell icons next to channel names don't update when this option is selected, but all of the options in the notification settings blur out:
Awesome. Remember, this will mute:
with the exception of @everyone mentions. This also means you won't get Mobile Push Notifications if you switch over to mobile. More on that in a bit.
Part two: Server Notification Settings
Alright. We found the total nuclear option in notification muting. Let's get a little more in-depth.
Starting with the selection on the top, the circular option selections actually apply to each channel in a similar blanket format as the mute server option, but with the added option of allowing us to choose different levels of notifications.
Clicking an option in the Server Notifications Settings updates all of our settings instantly:
Pretty straightforward. Moving on, the other two functions in the window are pretty simple:
- The Suppress @everyone option disables any @everyone mention from generating a notification, on the entire server.
- The Mobile Push Notifications option means any notification you'd normally get adds a push notification on your Android / iOS device if you're signed on with the same account! Super handy!
Part three: Channel Notification Settings
The last section of the notification settings menu lets you adjust individual settings per channel. Use the Notification Overrides section to select different channels in a dropdown. There are a few settings to explore here:
Just like before, you can mute individual channels entirely by selecting mute. You can still do this on the main channel page, but here you can quickly address problem channels in a list fashion.
Even after each channel updates based on how you selected your server notification settings, you can make individual channel notification selections in the scroll down menu as well.
And that wraps up the notifications menu. Pretty neat, huh?