Voice message
(Text translated in google translator from pt-br to english)
Do you know when you are too lazy to write that text to explain something complex? So it would be VERY helpful to have voice messages! Without having to call, and that can be heard at any time, voice messages would be perfect! But of course, you would have to have the option to deny a member's permission to send ...
I made an example but don't wait too long because I'm not a designer
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+1 ! Very useful
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I need that! @Discord when can we get that? I want to stop to need to use WhatsApp for that!
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Yeah, it would be a very convenient feature
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Nice idea, do this, please!
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Every single messaging app I know has this feature. If Discord wishes to be a mainstream chatting application for the public and not just gamers, they need to implement this.
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discord pleeease do this! If you can make a text channel in voice chat you can also make voice message in text
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