New boost perk idea
For a lot of specific focus community servers, we run out of roles hella fast. It would be awesome for level 2 and 3 boosted servers, you get say 50 more role slots when you level up.
I run a disability focussed server and in order to accommodate as many people as possible we have a lot of condition and accessibility specific roles to make the server accessible for people with all different kinds of needs. This includes adding a variety of accessibility focused bots that take up a role slot each.
In order to be accessible, we have had to sacrifice a lot of the more fun server things like activity, vanity, event and earnable roles. As we grow I can only see this strain getting larger and I think it would be awesome to be able to unlock more role slots as a higher boosted server!
or even if Discord just made it so that the bots don't take up a role slot that would allow less of the functions to be taken up by the accessibility bots and allow the servers to function in a more fun way instead of just being "we can be accessible and nothing else" XD
9 -
this would be really neat!!!
7 -
this would actually be a amazing and useful idea
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This is an amazing idea. I like it.
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I love this idea!!!!
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Yeah this would be a great idea
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I know multiple servers I'm in that would really appreciate this!
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ahh thanks guys! I hope we get a bunch more people to upvote because I've just checked and the top voted posts have like 10,000 DX fingers crossed lol
5 -
Great idea!
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Dew it
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Discord! Make this happen, guys!
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This would be awesome!
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i love this idea!! i think many servers would benefit :)
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I'd love to see this happen for disability servers !! I think they'd benefit a whole bunch!
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I think this would be beneficial to so many servers!!! Discord, take note!
1 -
I love this idea!!
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