allow markdown links in the "About me" section


15 yorum

  • Darth_Pogwalker

    I agree with you. 

  • arnim

    I thought about this a bit more and found a problem with my request: hyperlinks make your bio not really shorter, it just looks cleaner. Why?
    The link URL still has to be stored somehow. But should it be included in the 190 character limit?
    If so, the problem with too long URLs still occurs.
    If not, this could be abused by just adding lots of long text (not even URLs) in the square brackets.

  • TheCuriousCatPerson

    How do I access the About Me section?

  • arnim

    It‘s currently in beta and only some people have access to it (to change your banner, you also need nitro). If you do, it‘s in Settings>My Account.

  • Render_1

    Yes, this is 100% needed, and honestly is super basic, I cant see much use for this section other than links, however as for your comment about the 190 character limit, I could definitely see them including links in the limit, I hope this feature gets more attention in the future, I also think itd be nice to see banners for nitro classic members, even if its just a static image option, with GIF being locked behind the full nitro price tag, I dont see what harm itd do for them, no one is going to spend an extra $5 to get a banner only.

  • Theblockbuster1

    Looks like they've added markdown, except it doesn't work...
    Note: The new-line is only visual, there is no actual space between the ']' and the '('

  • arnim

    I really need links and user mentions, especially in the upcoming About Me section for bots

  • VenomC312

    Markdown is a must-have in any kind of about-me section.  Especially hyperlinks.  This would help make every about me look much cleaner, and generally improve the aesthetic of the app.

    It wouldn't be hard to implement either.  And as for the character limit, that is most likely there too keep the about section completely readable on all platforms.  Very easy to implement markdown into any sort of JS and TS application.  So hopefully we will see a good implementation of this in upcoming releases...

  • Darsh_Shah

    Yes, that's a lot better. I also wanted that for a long, long time. There can be seen "You can use markdown and links if you'd like" but it doesn't work

  • rettx

    Would love to know when this is going to work properly. Kind of mystifying that it doesn't even though it says it does.

  • Hamet

    Any Updates on this? When will it work?

  • kieranl29

    I agree this should be a feature! It is very annoying it isnt and wasnt from the start. Or there should be an alternative way to do it even if it is not [text](link)

  • Adonis

    I've seen a lot of streamers' profiles with links and it looks really ulgy and messy... This suggesstion would be the solution for sure.

  • aZa

    i add to this. it may lead to a privacy concern (because of fishing), but having a warining like "you are leaving discord, do you really want to go to [link]?" or something, might help.

  • Moon

    Absolutely agreed.


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