Hacked acc with nitro scam :)
I´ve been on some server, some ´´girl´´ texted me that if I want a nitro and i said yes sure, she sended a picture of some ´´nitro gift card´´ and i scaned it with mobile and then bot started sending to all my friends some invite to some server and then started deleting al my friends and servers where i´ve been :))) so I get scared of some virus to my PC so I deleted my account. Can you please give me my discord back .. my name was there- Manuální Emanuel#9090
please help me ...
Hey, I am part of the communities that do such a thing like this. It is a python code that is 400-500 lines long. You basically scan it and it opens up the Discord API and gets your 'token'. This then lets them login to your account. To prevent them logging in, either reset your password or enable 2FA. 2FA makes your token a certain type that when they try to login, it will just loop errors to them. Hope this helps :D
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I'm not sure about this, but I don't think Discord can make something about that, because it was actually your fault for scanning it (i'm sorry if I sound rude). Please don't trust people who says "Hey, can I give you nitro for free if you want", because almost every time it's a scam.
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Dont Scan anything somene send you.
Its a pretty easy way to get into your Account.
Activating 2FA also helps keeping your Account Safe
Excurze1 -
If your account was deleted, you can't bring back it.
You can report spam/scam users in this link.
tengri1 -
and i then i see this and log in with my phone but then i logged out to change password and now i cant log in with the phone
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You dont actually trust such messages , DMs and Links to free Nitro , and yes it is a Growing Problem i encountered it too.
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bigkorkor the bot somehow got past 2fa
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wetpotato69 try to change the password into something that only you can remember, and make sure the password is very different than the last one. Also enable 2 step verification for extra security
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Yeah, don’t trust those messages, only trust the real nitro link
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same problem with u, idk what should i do now T_T.....
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don't worry it's not a virus it happened to me just change your password.
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That should fix it
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hi i got scammed with free nitro cus i dumb and now my hacked account is send everyone free nitro links that are fake
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help pls
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same it wants me to verify my phone number but when i do it it says a message "an existing ds acc is already using this number. please remove it before it can be used with a new acc"
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yea i got the same thing bilal_c123
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it happened to my brother first then when i logged on to discord the next day he sent me the same link but couldnt recall sending or even opening our dms another friend of mine also sent me that message. And i think that after u get hacked, ur acc will get disabled so u cant log in to ur acc
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will i be able to log into my account later?
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I was able to get it back with other phone number, after u get back change pass asap and turn on 2FA also try deleting messages that u send to other for free nitro
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i dont have another phone...
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Parents do for sure otherwise idk how then mby ur friends
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I have the same problem
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i got the same problem
and everyone hates me and got banned from some server
and i told them that wasn't me
so i change my password and turn on 2FA
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help I got hacked.....I can't use my phone cuz I am not allowed to....I can only use it to study
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I have this problem and I don't know a way to reverse it. If you know please please tell me.
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Yeah don't click these links because I had a friend we've been friends with for quite a while and then suddenly he sent me two messages that said everyone get discord nitro fast it's running out but I've got a message like this before and I did click it and I think we should computer played up a little bit but I'm not sure
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The comment of Dario. My acc has been hacked today at 1o'clock, um I'm never opened link's who says: FREE NITRO HERE . So Idk how to fix that, but please help from you or from the staff of discord.
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Recently someone used my account to send free discord nitro for 1 year scam messages to my friends over DMs. I already changed account password and enabled 2FA on my account. However I discovered, that scam message was sent using API call and the message itself was probably sent from somewhere in Amera, Chicago. Should I be worried that someone could have had actually got my previous account password if the message wasn't sent through client, as in, website app, computer/mobile app?
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Discord needs to ban all the scammers because it's coming from Russia, I made an alternative steam account and I have the IPs from them because it was changed after I clicked on the link even though I have 2FA anyway. Discord you need to fix this please. Help us!
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It's the Russians that are doing this, it's coming from the Russian federation. Discord come on.
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