Since the recent series of updates to the Mobile app, it has become unstable, nearly unusable.
Several times in the past few days I have been unable to send messages as the “Record voice” button is not replaced by the “Send” button. When this happens, the app becomes totally unresponsive. I am unable to switch voice channels, view text channels, view other servers, open settings, or do anything at all with the app. Switching to another app and back to the Discord Mobile app causes that app to fail completely showing only the grey screen with the Discord Logo. At that point the only recourse is to force close the app and reopen.
Several times in the last few weeks, while in a voice chat, the app disconnects/reconnects multiple times in the span of a few seconds.
This all combined with the sheer fact that, despite near constant demand from the community, Discord Mobile still uses the “call” function to connect to voice chats, rather than a fully digital connection. This *was* the case for many years before an update removed the option. This has resulted in lower quality of service and a worse experience for users overall.
We KNOW you can do better, because you have in the past.
The current state of releasing small “QOL” features in the form of themes and app icons is less impressive and more a slap in the face to your long time users, who rely on Discord as their main form of communication with their friends and loved ones.
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