Add option to set global keybinds. New keybinds need to be added.
- Preface
There are only so many global keybinds (keybinds that can used while not being tabbed on to discord) like mute and deafen etc. And there are only so many actions that can be set to a different key. For example, you can't set a custom key to the shortcut; navigate to current call, or navigate back/foward page. I would love to have a lot more specific keybinds added and an option to set them for global use across our whole pc.
- More keybindable actions
There needs to be an option to select a custom keybind for every possible action to be done on discord. This includes navigating to specific pages like current call, dms, channels. It also includes joining/leaving a specific chosen friend voice call or server voice channels. A big one is also the ability to (when pressed), stream currently tabbed on program. Then you can just say “look at my screen” without tabbing off the game for example.
- Ability to use a keybind globally (tabbed off of discord)
There is a reason why some keybinds are locked to only being used in discord. But, if you have unused buttons or keybinds, you should be able to set them to discord to be used globally, this will ensure that there will be no un wanted actions being made when executing the key(bind)s while focused on another tab. Therefore, I think there should be an option to make a particular keybind shortcut set to global. Then we won't have to annoyingly tab on to discord just to reassign the page or to check a notification, instead, we can click a button to immediately do the action instantly while still being fully focused on the game or what we were doing. Each custom keybind should have a switch beside it that when turned on, the keybind becomes global.
- Final thoughts
Both ideas put together would exponentially grow the convenience and versatility of discord. It would completely change the way everybody uses it. Whether it be streamers, users who have a dual monitor setup, or even just regular users would greatly benefit from the convenience and speed that both these features combined can offer. It's a must-have for such an integral app like discord.
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