Soundboard Overlay Keybind Should Be Configurable
I'm prevented from using Discord's Overlay at all because the Soundboard Overlay keybind (CTRL + `) collides with keybinds I use in other games.
New keybinds can be added, but the default keybind mentioned above cannot be changed. It should be fully configurable just as any other keybind.
true bro, it can be setting at first, i just need to change it now, but there's no option for it, wtf is discord doing?
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I have reported this to them before, along with other issues. Their support team is extremely dismissive and doesn’t care about improving the product. I feel bad for the company’s developers , they aren’t even informed about the issues they can easily fix because there is a massive wall of support representatives between them and us.
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yeah, and its even a function already existed, they just remove this fuction for no reason….Discord is truly getting worse.
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