Discord doesn’t care about its users when it comes to the Phone Verification problem
Discord, I’ve asked you multiple times over and over again to fix your verification system and to remove the “Verification Required” from my account, but you don’t care. You don’t care about all of us. You really want us to use our personal phone number to verify our account if we get locked out. There’s a reason why people like me choose to keep our phone number private, but no, apparently we can’t verify by a reCaptcha or an email at least, and the only option that’s available only to your eyes is our phone number.
And you had the audacity to ignore my recent request ticket by closing further comments on it, only proving that you don’t want to help people when it comes to this kind of problem.
I’ve been having this “Something is going on here” or “Verification Required” pop up every time I remove my phone number (because it serves no purpose being on my account) from my account, for a few years (at least 2). I know you can remove the “verification required” requirement from others’ accounts, you just don’t want to, and you say that you can’t, but I call BS on that. There’s no way it’s impossible to remove the “Verification Required” requirement from people’s accounts.
I’m just tired, stressed out, and exhausted from this problem I’ve been having for a long time, and Discord Support is no help either. Discord just doesn’t care anymore. Discord doesn’t care about nothing but themselves
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