Suggested Chanel Issue for admins/owners
As a Admin or Owner you deal with easily twice as much incoming messages as the average community member yet muting channels is literally impossible. Discord has confirmed to me that this is impossible…but why.
There is a option on every channel to Unfollow it, this removes it from the list. But if any @ mention occurs it will pop up as a suggested channel at the top of the channel list.
I honestly thought this was a bug so I emailed Discord but its not. Ive thought of a few solutions one of which is to not suggest the channels to admins/owners based on pings and instead do it based on time like weekly or even monthly it could pop up once and you will be good for a while after clearing it.
Or perhaps a option to turn suggested channels on and off regardless of mentions (maybe this is possible if so let me know but I dont think it is.)
Consider contacting support team for this. I think there must be some issue rising. It will be solved early. tubidy
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