Any Picture That Successfully Verifies My Age


6 yorum

  • Jok R

    i got the same messge 1 week ago, because i sent them a printout of my id. Now i opened a second ticket with my original id the username etc. I hope it will work

  • Konstanta

    At least they answered you. I haven’t received one answer at all in four days. I write a ticket every day to unban my account, but the ticket is automatically closed

  • Salahsbbgh

    Picture Please

  • dev

    use passport pic

  • Salahsbbgh

    Give Me An Image Please dev

  • Iammirapuns

    I sent them a pic of me holding my original ID and a printout of my dc user (profile and stuff) that my bf screenshotted. It literally shows my user and they still said “I didn’t hold a piece of paper with my user innit” are they real people? Do they know how to read? It’s been 25 days and 5-6 times I’ve sent an appeal. I need a real person to review them all. Because how are they blind. You could see my whole arm holding them oml.


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