Adjust forum search


2 yorum

  • _yunuz

    Yes, I completely agree with this issue. There is a forum with over 1000 help articles, but we can only search the titles. The content of the forum should also be searched.

  • Alex Carey

    Here are some suggestions for improving the search function and tag usage on the forum:

    1. **Tag Combination Search**:
      - Allow users to toggle between "any" and "all" when selecting multiple tags, enabling more precise searches.

    2. **Text Description Search**:
      - Enhance the search functionality to include the text descriptions of initial posts, not just titles, for a more comprehensive search.

    3. **Fuzzy Matching**:
      - Implement fuzzy matching for search terms to account for partial or similar matches, helping users find posts even with minor differences in spelling or terminology.

    4. **Tag Synonyms**:
      - Introduce a system for recognizing and combining synonymous tags (e.g., ‘com’, ‘commission’, ‘comm’) to improve search accuracy.

    These changes could significantly enhance the user experience, particularly in large servers with many posts.


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