Account is both “temporarily limited” AND “permanently suspended”?
My account got disabled for “breaking TOS” which I would never intentionally do. I’ve submitted a few tickets (before realizing that it was not good to submit more than one), and the only response I’ve gotten is that my account is “temporarily disabled” and not to violate TOS further to prevent permanent suspension before marking my ticket as “solved” when it’s NOT.
When I log into discord it says I am permanently suspended despite Clyde saying I’m only “temporarily disabled”.
What do I have to do to talk to a real human being on the support team to actually appeal my case? Discord says this system is designed to let users explain their case, but I haven’t had a chance to do so with Clyde jumping in and marking my tickets as “solved”.
Only Clyde and Nellie answer me, and then they close my ticket. I'm already tired of waiting 2 weeks for a response from a REAL HUMAN.
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God that is terrible. I’m so sorry. I share in your pain of having tickets closed by the bots, but 2 weeks for a human response?? That’s just absurd. They either need to hire more people, add a phone support service, and/or add a live chat support feature…
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It's nearly impossible to get our accounts back
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Hey I am dealing with a similar problem. But on a different matter.
My account got hacked, if you wanna read my case I posted a comment on my page.I am so sorry that’s happening to the both of you, it’s sad with the support we received, I also keep getting marked as solved multiple times, and I really feel like there’s no hope, it’s been over a month now, and i really have no idea what to do but I keep trying with time, cause again in my situation I don’t want others to be scammed, like how I was. But discord is yet to help. The only thing I decided I could do is keep trying and write a comment To let others know. I just feel a little bit better knowing I’m not alone in this. I posted it on my page.
When I saw the 3 of you discussing I thought that I would share.
I really hope y’all situations get solved🖤1 -
Also if my friend is right and my account returns back tomorrow, then the server thing I’ve got must be a bug. (Context: my account got disabled yesterday when I tried to join a server, hence why Discord send me this bs)
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Maaaaaaaaaaan, I am so frustrated right now, I just want my acccount back, so I can not lose all my memories, plus, I created two other accounts, and those got disabled, even tho I never used these before, and now, I don’t know what to do
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It is not clear why they installed bots, but they themselves do not respond to support. Discord is not some kind of indie company, but rather a large one, but almost all people are answered by a bot that doesn’t care what problems Discord users have.
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Yeah, that certainly seems to be the implication that I’m getting too. That’s really unfortunate because discord has been one of the best services I have used until this all happened. I wish they cared more.
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Agree. Discord is the best messenger for me. It’s simply impossible to find analogues, but the support is very disappointing...
Sorry for my bad english, I use google translate :D
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No worries about the English, I can understand you perfectly. I agree, discord is the best messenger for me too, and practically all of my friends are on there, I have no other way to contact them… so it’s really disappointing to be in this situation with zero help.
Yeah! That’s the same message from Clyde I got too!0 -
I don’t know what to write anymore, maybe this will help?
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I have no clue what will get their attention. I guess until I get a real response, I’m going to just put in a ticket to cancel my nitro…
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Yeah.. Whenever I appeal I get the same stuff too. That's why I made a post to grab their attention since I'm always getting BOT responses from them whenever I make a ticket
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lol solved
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Whoa, how did you get them to escalate your ticket??
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If it's a appeal you'll get Clyde, If it's a general question you'll get Nelly
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But seriously, How did you get them to view your tickets?
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Ah I see. That’s unfortunate. And since my first comment to you if pending approval (no idea why?) I certainly feel your pain, and I cant believe we have to work this hard to get help.
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I wrote that I needed a live support operator, Nelly answered me and closed the ticket. No response from live support operator.0 -
Oh my gosh. Why are they so against helping people?
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Because it's filled with Ai, which disappoints me considering how many humans work there just for them to not actually solve our problems with these bans
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OK, so I basically did the same thing with a general question. I know this seems fake as getting a human is impossible at Discord support. But it's the only way to actually get my account back from child safety
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Same, I tried that and Nelly reached out… I’m not super optimistic.
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And what do you know? Someone ACTUALLY answered! I guess general questions does work
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Oh wow! That is a huge surprise. Hopefully I’ll get a response too and not just shadow closed…
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Well.. actually not quite as they'll tell you to go to appeals for them to better “assist” you
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That is so unfortunate. But yeah, Nelly escalated my question to appeals… I’m expecting to get another canned response by Clyde, but I really hope not.
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At least we got their attention, however I'm still gonna be canned with Clyde's “We've limited the account”
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Clyde writes to me “We've limited the account”, and in Discord itself he writes to me that the account is permanently blocked xd
Who to believe? Clyde or Discord?0
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