Server Roles Page Makeover


35 yorum

  • 主 | Xan

    Awesome idea!

  • Sgt. Skillz

    Perfect! Can't wait to have it rolled out! Any ETA?

  • RatKing

    Any ETA on this yet? It looks really nice.

  • davidkabom

    This can be sone if you change their names to Admin > Staff and so and there on use the alphabetical orser. Also you can colour code which would make them appear in the same role section but look different from each other. Even if it's not what you asked for but it's something.

  • VimHax


    I've automated this with my bot and it looks nice but I still thinking being able to order the roles freely should be a option, because sometimes admin+ is below admin and that shouldn't be how it is displayed

  • chloroform chloe

    There are many suggestions about this already iirc.

  • Kaicer

    I'm dealing a couple of days ago about the topic of role manager that does not work correctly, since I think that this function should and should work from the role that is given this permission.

    The creation of groups is very easy to do since they are only roles with nice names for the user. but in a more advanced way to have a role of a group is to have a new channel in which to chat.



  • bittersweet_buttercup

    This could also be useful for servers with guild roles if each guild has its own ranking system with titles/roles for each rank

  • lengo
    This seems like a cool idea. I don't know if it's completely necessary although if Discord thinks they should add it, it would be a cool addition.
  • Torbjörn

    I do like the simplified approach to permissions compared to TeamSpeak and the others but at the same time I loved how you could fine tune almost anything. This would be a great feature to see added.
    Ultimately I’d love to see some of the more complex permissions from TeamSpeak implemented on Discord that would only be visible if the user scrolled all the way down to enable them. The main issue with the complex permissions system on TeamSpeak was that if you weren’t careful you could have serious consequences. I have seen some of the less experienced TeamSpeak admins lock themselves out, grant permissions that they don’t understand, and many other unspeakable things.

  • Torbjörn

    Could you be more vague?

  • Torbjörn

    You could deny the Moderator role permissions in the channel and grant the Moderator LoL permissions in the channel. You could use categories too for a collection of channels.

  • Mrsupdup

    I think that would only work if I created “Moderator LoL” roles. Instead every user has a game role, and then additional administrator roles e.g. “LoL” and “Moderator” or “LoL” and “Streamer”.

    If I enable permissions for “LoL” everyone can read the ‘Moderator LoL’ chat that plays League of Legends, not just the roles that are given category permissions.

  • Torbjörn

    I just tested and what I described above and it works. If you’d like me to show you my setup add me on Discord.


  • username

    yes we need this

  • aenima72826

    I think they are suggesting a sort of collapsible role category or "folder"  for different types of roles for example "streamer" roles could contain you-tube, twitch, picarto ect where as "Color" roles could contain roles like Yellow, green, blue ect that way when you are looking through all your server roles or just some of them you can collapse the categories you don't want to look at. 

  • Ad Astra per Aspera

    Also make it so that we can remove or add categories as a role themselves. Say one person has all roles in a category, or that we want him/her gone from all roles in that category, we can ex the category out of their role listing. So here's the thing though. You meant that when you click a name on the sever, it will display ONLY category roles, and when you hover over them, it will display the sub roles, or all all the category roles and regular roles seperate? 

  • Teknirekt

    As someone with a game clan server and tons of roles, some effective and some vanity, THIS would be very much appreciated.

  • additional_pylons

    Also if it made it possible to either edit all of their permissions at the same time OR make it so you can give permissions to the Role Folder itself, that would simplify a lot of organization issues and role management

  • additional_pylons

    Basically a system that allows roles to be grouped in drop down menus to make the roles page less cluttered for more complex servers. Similar to the way categories minimize text and voice channels.

  • billy

    Kind of like the channel categorization.

  • Wholf


  • Black Mega Therion

    i came to post the same suggestion basically:

    Make role categories in the server settings so that when you go to edit roles you can sort through and collapse the categories you dont need! In the server settings for roles you would have a "make category" option like you do when making channels.

    so like if you had some color roles you could put them under one category called "colors" and for video game roles you could make a category called "Games" and collapse them when not needed.

  • Purrfected

    The hierarchical structure on Discord got many things to be wished for.

    Branches for one thing, categories would work perfectly.

    I have a Discord server for a LAN community and trying to get clans to come in so we togehter can get higher server boosts.

    It's a big problem that I cannot let them invite their own members, since even if I create "clanAdmin" role, and then "clanMember" role after, they will be able to promote people to every other role under them in the role tree.

    Probably a few other clans, and by extent, also being able to go into their channels and read their text chats.

  • lengo
    That would be cool. Although it is also a bit unnecessary.
  • charitwo
    This should definitely be looked at along with hierarchy in general.
  • Saluki

    This is something that we need adding - to all platforms. The roles menu is in dire need of this and new permissions (like being able to make certain roles taggable by certain roles - admins can only tag @announcements for instance).

  • Redxjak

    Definitely bump this!

  • PrinceBunBun981

    Bumping because this is an Awesome idea. What would also be cool is if the dividers showed up when you click on a user to see their roles. Kinda like this:


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