Timezones feature
YanıtlandıOn discord, a lot of us are talking with people around the world. It would be nice if we had an ability to decide if we show our current time (based on timezone) to our friends. It can be in DMs somewhere, or possibly clicking on someone's name and then it being displayed. Skype had a feature similar to this, and it is something I missed. It was really nice since having gaming friends from all different parts of the country and even the world, we are always forgetting what time it is for people for meeting up or if we are accidentally trying to call them at 6 am.
Kurumsal yorum
This is a dupe of https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360032318411 , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion!
Gönderi yorumlara kapalı.
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