A Calendar system?
A system accessible, to organize gaming sessions and just have an ability to sync each persons life for easier planing in many of our busy life. maybe be able to sync w/ your Google calendars.
like make it editable by role, so you can only add notes if you don't have the permissions for changing dates.
Have it sync w/ Birthdays and holidays and your guys store!
hope you will think or most likely have thought about it! :P
Please this would help so much, events viewable by roles and frankly it could just be a "channel" servers could opt in/out of. its basically the biggest thing discord is lacking to be an all in one gaming community discord.
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We need google calendar integrated with discord.
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here are some post's regarding this idea https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360032659971-A-Calendar-system- and https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360032367292-Discord-Event-s-for-you-r-discord -5 -
YES, that would make me leave enjin for good!
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I really love being organized. This feature would bring warmth to my heart lol
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thank you
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Upvoted, really like this idea and before seeing this I’v requested something similar myself https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360035228091-Channel-Events
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This does sound useful to me for a few different purposes. I can see it being used in organising gaming sessions and also scheduling live streams, so that everyone can quickly see when they're planned for. 6 -
It´s possible to install a calendar-function?
We need it to organize your clanmeetings and trainingdays.
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Yes I would love this too. So many times I have missed events because I don't have time to visit their website. This would bring me back and closer to my clan. I haven't played with them for a while anymore which is a shame but I work 40 hours a week on different hours so its hard to keep track on what they do
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We've been begging for this as well. Using in game calendars or just blasting messages is such a hassle. One built into the discord we all already use for communication would be outstanding, especially if it also did notifications to mobile and computer.
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I feel like this might be the single most important feature you could add to Discord. It could not have escaped you that clans use Discord, but the clans (and especially very large clans) would REALLY benefit from an integrated calendar system for event and meeting scheduling.
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Upvoted the request but also wanted to comment to say that the people still want this!
I help run a smaller esports organization with teams in multiple games. Every one of those teams have a practice schedule and/or an on-going scheduling of scrims, events, etc. Right now we utilize webhooks and integration with Google Sheets + Forms. However, the addition of a calendar add-on to the chat system as an 'object' or something of the sorts would be suuuuper useful and make the system we use currently less janky.
Hopefully this gets the attention it deserves! Looking forward to it :)
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As a side note, many of our guild's raid teams have their own channels. This would also help them in raid planning.
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Additionally consider Google Calendar integration.
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As stated previously, this will help a great deal with events for a large group in one place! With something like a ding from a Google Calendar that is integrated, that will help a member to remind them about the event as well. Not just the team of 20 to 30 players - but hundreds at the same time!
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I was really missing something like this over the last week or so, as we were celebrating our guild's anniversary with so many event... that I didn't know about... because I am pretty much on Discord all of the time (and don't check out website nearly enough).
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I agree, a calendar feature with invitations would be amazing!
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This would be a rather helpful feature - for many of the discords that I am a part of!
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This shot has navigated right into my heart.
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Calendar feature (with a grid view and stuff) to aggregate events from all servers you've joined would be awesome!
Hope devs will consider it :)1 -
I like this idea as it shows the beauty of Discord being across games. It will help keep guilds, raid teams and friends in the loop on what is going on! Could I even add a wishlist idea of an embed for websites and streaming services like Twitch/YouTube/Mixer?
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Would love to see a calendar feature in Discord. It would put just about every major tool we would need for raid planning in one place. Outside of in game prep that is
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This is a definite MUST have. Discord is used for coordinating too many events across time zones.
"5 AM? Which time zone? When the Hell is that?"
Also, simply to have a visual representation and reminder.
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Discord please! We need calendar integration! The current bots just dont give me what our community needs
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Only posted it since Discord on twitter told me too. Thanks for the link.
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Honestly if you could create events in a similar fashion to Facebook group events, then this would make Facebook Groups obsolete tbh
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Do it. Do it. Do it.
Seriously, I'm ready to leave FB and this is the main obstacle.2 -
A calendar feature would be simple for a dedicated appdev. the code is out there Discord.. make it work for the users. If need be for the contributors, ask us to crowdsource your dev costs... since the $ I've been paying for years seems to be not for development but rather for sustaining status quo.
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