P2P file transfer


2 yorum

  • merlin2v

    This actually could be an interesting idea. It would have a time limit though and still have to go through the server though so it wouldn't be completely P2P(for safety reasons). But maybe it would be similar to having a discord call or could only be done in a call(because both users would need to be present for this to happen safely). And, of course, It would need a warning. 

    However, if your idea is to directly and immediately download it to the receiving end without the end user's permission then this idea would be too dangerous.

    The only downside to my suggested implementation is that it would probably be one of those features that no one knows about and would hardly be used.

  • Jonte

    Highly support this. It's simple enough, and of course the receiver would need to accept the transfer before it starts. To become the only messaging app you need I feel this is a must.


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