Offer the ability to downgrade to Nitro Classic without making your subscription streak expire
The largest tier of Nitro is cool. You have a bunch of games to play, and all in all it's a good time. But forcing a user to let their subscription expire before you can downgrade is kinda weird to me. It'd be nice to be able to go back to the $50 Nitro Classic plan without having to wait until my current subscription expires. Even having your Nitro perks carry until you get to the new year, then downgrading them would be nice.
I wish they added this feature.
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Yeah, I find this especially annoying, as the date on the badge resets too.
5 -
Please add tjat
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The fact that you cannot downgrade is bogus. This needs to be changed.
1 -
I'm still waiting for this to be added so that I can treat myself to a few months of the higher tier without losing my 4 years badge.
Pretty please, Discord!1
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