Unban Everyone


13 yorum

  • Tiger
    Sounds great, could easily get abused, however, discord could easily make the button visible to the server owner only that way it cant be abused by other people.
  • Тревичка

    Hi support can u unban my discord my name is Bull_420#9252 email:stkostadinovk@gmail.com

  • Anatomis (Perfect)
    LOL, more banned people than member count. Well, I liked the suggestion so I am giving you upvote.
  • donovan_dmc

    I think this would be too abusable by something like a rogue staff member, or a malicious bot, just like pruning members, except the opposite

  • swagergamevidzalt

    i got perm banned for nothing

  • Bisca 🌟

    Yeah just give the perm to the owners and not staff. Also, the unbanning perm too, only to the owners because the staff keeps abusing it! 

  • donovan_dmc

    Uh, no. Making the unban permission owner only would be downright dumb. If the staff are "abusing it", then there is a simple solution, don't give them those permissons.

  • Poulet

    Bonjour, je voudrais savoir pourquoi mon compte Poulet#0111 est désactiver j'ai un nitro dedans et j'aimerai vraiment me connecter sur mon compte merci en avance

  • Rover

    Revoking all bans is a bit extreme. But this would be a welcome feature if you are able to specify it based on time, like "Unban all users that were banned over 2 years ago".

    This would be quite useful for IP ban troubleshooting and keeping the banned member list more short and reasonable (the ban list does take significantly longer to load or even hangs indefinitely when too many members are in it, such as in large public servers, making it very difficult to unban users).

    It's highly unlikely that a user who was banned several years ago would return to cause problems again, though it is still risky. So a mass unban like that, even time-specified, would probably only be done when circumstances require it.

  • Ida Kendall

    geometry dash world said:

    Revoking all bans is a bit extreme. But this would be a welcome feature if you are able to specify it based on time, like "Unban all users that were banned over 2 years ago".

    This would be quite useful for IP ban troubleshooting and keeping the banned member list more short and reasonable (the ban list does take significantly longer to load or even hangs indefinitely when too many members are in it, such as in large public servers, making it very difficult to unban users).

    It's highly unlikely that a user who was banned several years ago would return to cause problems again, though it is still risky. So a mass unban like that, even time-specified, would probably only be done when circumstances require it.

    This feature would prove particularly useful for IP ban diagnostics and would also help in maintaining a more manageable and concise list of banned members. In larger public servers, where the ban list can become exceptionally lengthy, it can significantly slow down the loading process or even lead to it freezing indefinitely, making the unbanning of users an arduous task.

  • Stuttero
    I can see how this could quickly become a way for people to raid and destroy servers easily...
  • Permanently deleted user
    Maybe something similar to that, everyone that has the ban permission can vote on it being allowed if someone does that, plus I don't see an actual use for this thing, cept it being highly abused, and someone wanting to take down the server. If you want to unban people, just unban them one by one, it would be safer that way, in my opinion.
  • Sosig
    I like this, however discord would have to also make it so that the unbanned user revives a unban message, so they are informed.

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