What happened to the Discord store?
I just opened up Discord and noticed the Store tab has been replaced by the Nitro tab. There are only Nitro games here and none other. Is this something like a test, or a permanent change? It would be cool to have separate pages for Nitro games and normal games if that is what is being implemented.
Edit: It has been confirmed that this is not the case and that games available for purchase will be available solely in verified servers. I have one question: WHY? Sure, it eliminates the competition, but it also eliminates a potential clientele because of its difficulty to find the game. This is ludicrous Discord, please change this back.
This absolutely needs to change. The fact that non-nitro games are almost completely hidden is kind of a d**k move towards both users aswell as developers of those games. I get the need to advertise Nitro, but this is just taking it too far. 81 -
Yeah, I don't like this change either, +1 50 -
As a developer planning to release on Discord, this change is seriously bad.
56 -
There seem to be no "normal" games at all actually. Very strange
23 -
i don't know what you are talking about. i have all the games separate. a list of nitro free games, list of paid games, list of featured games, list of of early access games and a list for games on sale.
-40 -
1. only nitro games show. if you selsect Games for purcharse list is empty
2. list of games not from nitro is hidden behing button made as hard to notice on first glance
-15 -
I don't like it either .-. 15 -
As a user that's already in a lot of servers this would prevent me from getting multiple games from the discord store as I will hit the server limit becouse I want to play a game. For small game devs this will mean they most likely won't get the advertisement as like they where on a frontpage 15 -
This really concerns me as a new developer. I was hoping to someday release games on Discord, but I'm not sure it's worthwhile anymore. Being able to browse the store is really important and lets potential buyers see games that they might not otherwise encounter. And as TimThe said, having to join a server in addition to somehow finding the game just creates too many steps for a potential buyer. I would like there to still be a Store tab in addition to the new Nitro tab (or at the very least continue to list games that are available for purchase within that tab).
36 -
With the change that occurred today, there is now no way for me to discover new games that are for sale on the store. I now have to scroll down to server discovery and take a guess which servers sell games on Discord. The game store used to have great features for non-nitro games such as the ability to search with filters depending on the type of game you were looking for, the ability to see new releases, and generally felt like a store. It doesn't feel like a store anymore, it just feels like a giant advertisement. The fact that I have to join/lurk in a server just to view a game's store page is absurd. Not only that, but I noticed that you can no longer purchase games that do not yet a store channel unless you have a direct link to said page. I am honestly appalled that Discord would make this decision to severely handicap the store like this. In fact, bug reporting with the store was temporarily closed on Discord Testers because this was thought to be a mistake! While writing this I saw Discord's tagline on https://discordapp.com/SELL-YOUR-GAME, "Create your own storefront inside your server, free from competition". I'm saddened that Discord has chosen to make this anti-consumer decision and I hope it is reverted. 29 -
This is one of the weirdest changes I've seen and is terrible for both developers and consumers. There's no way for developers to get their games advertised and consumers can't discover games they don't know. Maybe they expect us to find games by using the Discord server discovery? But even that doesn't show what games are purchasable so you'd need to enter that server, see if they have a storefront, then leave if it doesn't. Hopefully this change doesn't last very long.
18 -
i dont want nitro in the store so why not seperate them? (also you make some good points) ALSO ADD A WALLET DISCORD
5 -
Totally argree
3 -
I really loved the direction they were going as I'm desperate for a good alternative to Steam as it just isn't my cup of tea. I feel the more developers that developed on Discord the more other devs would want to as well, I personally don't like it just being some free games as that feels too similar to my Twitch client which I only have prime games on, I like having many of my games on one platform and I could forsee Discord being that as more and more games come to the platform. I really hope they revert this change, although I do like the weekly Nitro games additions. Also, I think they should sell Nitro games to be permanently purchased individually similar to the non-Nitro games, this is how Xbox and PlayStation do it and I think it would work well.
10 -
I think that the decision to kill Store Page is not the best, both for developers and customers!
Now there is no way for people to find games they would want to play, joining a server just to buy the game is stupid and works only for grown communities. New games/developers won't be able to show their games to new unknown customers.
In my opinion you should combine both of those features! Just bring back the Store in it's previous form and also allow game developers to better advertise their servers on which people could also buy games.
Just so you know, I'm a Nitro subscriber and I think that Nitro Tab is very helpful but it shouldn't make Store Tab disapear!16 -
Also If I recall correctly, the server limit is 100 which means you can only have 100 games minus the number of servers that you are already in (I don't have that many games but I've seen many users with more than 300 games). You could leave the game servers right after you join but what's the point in that? As a nitro subsriber, I think it's just stupid that they decided to kill the store because now you can't easily see what games you can buy and games are pretty much capped at 100 in best case scenario.
7 -
This is the worst decision I've seen from discord yet. Discord started as a chat for gamers, easier and more lightweight than skype. The game store was a bold decision but had some promise. As a regular user I would sign in, read my activity tab, check the store tab for some interesting sales or new products, and continue my day as usual.
I'm never going to browse discord games again, simply because I cant be bothered looking at server lists. There's no price, or filters, it's out of the way. I use discord to chat with friends, I join new servers when I make new friends within a game or when I'm invited by someone I know. Never the other way around, and this is not going to change.
I legit googled how to find games again, the discovery button is discrete and after clicking it, at first glance, it is not obvious that there are games to buy
This is going to be a very negative impact on sales and exposure. It's terribly designed for consumers, and it will be difficult for developers to sell their games
I hope they reconsider this change. Having both the store tab and the discover tab wouldn't be a bad idea, add a link to the game's server within the product page.
15 -
This is very annoying to me because when there is a free game that comes out on Discord, I'm going to naturally think that it's a Nitro subscription game, and not free. Please change it back so my tiny 14 yr old mind doesn't explode with confusion.
5 -
This is pretty much going to get all the devs AND gamers looking to use discord off of discord.
5 -
Yeah, came on today to buy my first game on Discord, and found out that this was no longer an option. I'm honestly a little flabbergasted at this decision. Are they TRYING to give all their business to Epic and Steam? I mean, I'm never going to buy nitro. I absolutely despise subscription services, and usually cancel them within the first month, if I even try them at all. Well, guess I saved myself 40 bucks today lol
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Looks like I'm staying with buying my games on Steam. I wanted to buy certain games through Discord since they are supposed to support the Devs more but doesn't seem like they want to.
6 -
This sounds like a really weird way of doing things. Doesn't seem like a good way to actually get games sold.
7 -
Why in the world do they not want users to spend money on their platform? Are they trying to drive their new store into the ground?
6 -
Not sure if any of you have ever bought a game, but I can assure you that you've made it at least twice as difficult to do so on Discord. You haven't created some new concept here; you're entering a crowded market.
It's much, much easier to alt-tab to Steam, search and find the game immediately, and proceed to purchase it, instead of wading through some Server Discovery and hope that the game's Server actually sells the game. Oh and Steam even suggests some games I may not have seen yet, so that's a bonus as well.
Ok, honestly, what percentage of "superfans" on a game's Discord Server are going to be people who haven't already bought the game...? Of course there's a few, but they probably don't own the game because they aren't ready to buy/simply can't afford it at the moment; I doubt it's because they're somehow having trouble finding a place to purchase it.
5 -
From what I can tell, this was requested so that game creators/company can advertise their discord server and be able to display their game to sell at the same time. I just can't seem to understand how this helps in sales ....I don't know anyone who's joined a gaming server for a game they didn't already own. It's such an odd concept.
7 -
Making a store that most people don't even know exists harder to access was a terrible decision. The whole point of a store is to advertise the products contained within. Bring back the Store and advertise it properly.
6 -
Well discord you just failed user testing in my book. Took me 10 mins of looking before i got here. This is literally the dumbest design decision I have even seen lol.
8 -
i agree with the above! first off it's hard to even discover servers. second off, I went looking for games to purchase and I couldn't find any except nitro and frankly I don't like those. how do I find games? I'm so confused, there has to be an easy way? otherwise I'll probably just keep chatting on the servers I was invited to and never buy anything.
7 -
Wow, this is the dumbest decision you could have possibly made. I never join a server belonging to a company, and therefore will never buy games on Discord, I guess.
Good job guys.
6 -
Agreed. The decision to do this only promotes games included with Nitro. Unless they plan to add all the games on their store to Nitro (unlikely), this dramatically decreases exposure for purchasable games. Discord's 90/10 split proves nothing if purchasable games get no exposure. It could be that the Nitro game store gives Discord a larger profit than the 90/10 split they boasted about only a few months ago. If that is the case, Discord wants to use Nitro games as a way to get a larger cut, basically telling developers that if they want exposure on the platform, they need to give Discord a larger cut by going the Nitro route instead of the 90/10 route where Discord would get a smaller cut. Discord may be turning into just another greedy platform that could care less about the developers who work incredibly hard to make games (this is just a wild theory that I came up with late at night).
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