Friends List Update


13 yorum

  • Alternis

    2 months later, I still agree !

  • JAHABVU1959

    I  SC2 stream in twitch my channel,  I have 2 discord friends from SC2 , I have there discord  address  given  by them , while in there channels &

  • JAHABVU1959

    Threw  SC  twitch   being in both community's  how do I  request  , there address  with  Ms in discord,  because this  came discord , also twitch chat whisper  I have been asked  & have more request to them here never really thought discord  but , ! Here 

    I am  , I have never link anything 30 yr so of being online   I was a open  house , in the beginning of  SC  twenty plus yrs,  JAHABVU , account ID is shared by me to people  didn't  have SC & THE EXPANSION , so I was a open to other coming  to me and download my game, to them ,,?  To start SC  &  BLIZZARD, , at there birth,

  • JAHABVU1959

    JAHABVU never linked  I know  idea what your asking me to do  ! I'm been online  almost 40yrs NEVER LINK,  me blizzard  set  up this way with account  SC  too get the game out there to the world ,,,the beginning of blizzard games


    SO THIS 59 YR OLD , ask for help  lost,  jack  , JAHABVU  is never asked for help  I was open house over 300 thousand soul be Jah luv

  • JAHABVU1959

    My son Amungus  play on that rignal setting account but threw yrs off dates he evolved  into his ,,, but the original SC game 💽 I still own to this day  that Blizzard  gave JAHABVU , the  name never  left  he just got old,  so me to any community-based website, , I am a stupid,  man, I'm sorry but I'm sure if know!  I'm glad to explain this,  sorry  I got go  if want me join anything online  come find me,  I am out there walking about  net a lost soul  ,, Jah luv bye now  sorry wasstng  everyone Time

  • Smith

    I would love this feature as it took me 20 minutes of scrolling to find a friend who changed her name

  • Tiergan

    I also want this feature. Either this or just put the people in my friends list at the very top of the search results.

    I'm in multiple very large discords and when I type in my friend's name in the search, I get DOZENS of users with the same name cropping up and it's frustrating.

  • aramet

    Custom categories for larger friend lists would be nice, too, so you could separate friends, clients, people you added for specific reasons, etc.

    Extending the option to view a specific category when making a group DM might help some people, as well.

  • Elu

    I agree with this.

    I'm in so many servers and when I try to type in a friend's name, sometimes there are other users that share the same name or first few letters, making them hard to find.

  • FBA

    Would be nice too see how many friends u got on the friends list indeed! 


    Also that friends should be over anyone in the servers you are in if you try to @them

  • 𝐃𝐀𝐕 ✟

    The ability to create categories on your friend list AND DMs list, organize them how you want, being able to deactivate if the newest ones will get on the top or not.

  • dew

    I think adding organization to your friends list would be very convenient to have. Especially since a lot of jobs have been from home, I think discord can function as a communication application for workers and not just gamers. It would be nice to be able to separate friends and business/work on the friends list just so it's easier to find the people I need to message.


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