Can we have an option to toggle or go back to the old layout.


18 yorum

  • Beanioo


  • loli manko

    Yes, please the new layout is extremely displeasing to the eye and I would greatly enjoy the old one.

  • Bass44


    Whoever thought of implementing this new layout UI should have been fired.

  • Xeo!🍓

    Most people spend money even though they don't have to, I am planning on it aswell, specifically for support, but if discord team doesn't at least consider this, I'll literally forget about even using it, if discord becomes more community based, It's guaranteed to be twice as successful. Mainly personal opinions, but I understand if others go against this comment as a whole. (Appologies if my english is bad)

  • Cyber

    Yes please, older layout.

    I dont like the new one, this new one was bit a uncalled for?


    Maybe they should have surveys or test runs of new stuff before changing something around.


    But we all know this feedback stuff will never happen anyway, Just a front end to calm the storm.

  • C_cat Videogames🐸

    i agree, this new layout is all sized wrong and the icons look ugly, they should at least have a toggle

  • Bass44

    I just think that updating the layout or UI without warning is extremely bad business practice, this is something Microsoft did with Skype and they didn't listen to the negative reactions to it, they swept it under the rug and forgot about it.

    Let's hope the Discord development team doesn't do the same.

  • CarcinogenZ

    "Yes please, older layout.

    I dont like the new one, this new one was bit a uncalled for?


    Maybe they should have surveys or test runs of new stuff before changing something around.


    But we all know this feedback stuff will never happen anyway, Just a front end to calm the storm."


    "Hell, maybe even make discord layout customization a nitro feature. I already support, but if I didn't love discord like I do, Id probably do it for a pixel theme.  Maybe even have themes based around games. but hey, I'm just ranting now."


    Like come on, this is just messing over all of us early supporters over... :c
    it was several times better before this, it arrives out of nowhere, without asking anyone if they even agree to the changes, why arent we given the choice for things like these?
    i dont feel like your main userbase's feelings or opinions matter to you if you just push things like these...
    everything is broken, the proportions are almost triggering and frankly uncomfortable at best, you really didnt feel this kind of gigantic change would warrant a bit of asking the people who use it so much?
    it just happened out of nowhere too, i dont understand...

  • CarcinogenZ

    You guys still have the old layout, would it have been so hard to allow us to stay with the one we've known as an option or something?

  • Bass44

    Not even a single word from one of the developers about this, it's like they really are just sweeping all the negative feedback under the rug like Microsoft has.

    This is honestly just a joke, why would such a "wholesome" company such as Discord make this unnecessary change and ignore all criticisms about it?

  • Not-not-Eaves

    I don't know what this new layout thing is about since I have literally been unable to open any of the guilds I am in for about a week.  Hmmmn.  Strange coincidence in that timing...

    I can get the login screen, but after logging in, I get a completely blank screen.  Not really digging it.

  • swendy

    Old Layout please

  • Permanently deleted user

    This is Snapchat all over again.


    Please give us the option to go back to the old layout. The new one is...



  • Skitty

    The new light theme literally gives me headaches and the dark theme is very difficult for me to read with my dyslexia.  The light letters blend together even when I make the font huge.  Please give the option to revert to the old light theme. 

  • Bass44

    The text in the friends list it too damn bright in the dark theme, my eyes burn.

  • Ison

    I dont understand pointless company politics. 1. Create greate layout that people start to likes and pay someone for that. 2. Create another layout (again pay someone) that is worst than first. 3 force people to usw it without option to go back to made secend payment look like greate update... The contrast made me feel bad. Headache ond eyes pain. Realy... I wish for optoion "old layout" or i will be forced to change app

  • CarcinogenZ

    100% agreed with Jason
    This isnt something you should force users to use
    There's not an option to disable auto update and the updates sometimes look horrendous and they are permanent with no choice to go back
    Its ugly, its badly positioned, and takes too much space, and way too many circles and rounded edges is bad design, it was such a nice clean and simplistic design, with its own unique identity, now its just looks like a grey skype
    Why did you ruin the iconic ping?

  • Blackdemon458

    It had soooo many beautiful Easter Eggs and a wonderful screen bro......Pls change it back to the old one!!!


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