few global emoji spots for level 3 nitro boosted servers (like 5)
there are many servers with global emojis that easily get hundred thousands of members because of the global emotes they managed to get through gamewisper back then when it was available, this is definetly unfair to other servers, with the new addition of [server boosting] which is still in an experimenting phase and is susceptible to changes, I would like to suggest allowing servers with level 3 nitro boosting to have legal space for global emotes but nothing too much, 3 or at most 5, this would be a big motivation boost for any server to reach level 3 instead of being satisfied with level 2.
I feel like boosted servers have enough perks. Personally i’d like to keep global emojis as a nitro exclusive -5 -
They are really enough, They can add 350k Emotes this is fair 1 -
I totally agree, would make it all much more even and fair.
10 -
That seems like a really nice idea. I'm more than willing to support a server knowing that it'll give them more privileges and me possibly being a candidate for picking my own custom made global emoji.
8 -
Couldn't agree more, I think there should be more incentive to reach level 3, and global emotes would be very cool!
7 -
It would be super cool of a incentive to have level three capable of global emojis
4 -
the global emotes are rare to find them in servers and sincerely I would like them to remain that way -1 -
Chill, we all know that discord is not on clear terms with global emote servers as it makes normal nitro useless and there was even a period where some were closed down, Discord doesn't get anything out of you owning a global emote server. I find it funny that you are actually claiming that it didn't come for free, do you think you can hoodwink people that spent 4 years on discord and saw it grow to what it became now? xd try better.
-2 -
I support this idea, it'd provide a pretty good way of a server being able to get global emotes. Kind of annoying that basically the only servers you can find those are random streamers.
0 -
This would be amazing. 0 -
it's a good idea! 0 -
+1 as a tier 3 server owner I totally agree. We need more rewards for all the money people spend!
However, I think it should be limited to 2 or 3 and maybe in a fourth tier.
Also, it kinda destroys the idea of nitro and it will decrease the amount of nitro buyers. That's why I think it should get limited.1
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