Toggle VAD Keybind missing sound and visual prompt.
When you toggle between Push to Talk and Voice Activision, there is no sound to indicate that you switched between the modes. There is also no visual in discord to indicate what you are currently using.
This would be very useful, to avoid mistakes where the microphone is active while you thought it was muted, or vice versa. At the moment, you have to test if you get the push to talk sound, or look in discord while being in a voice channel and see if the ring around your icon changes while you talk. It should promt you directly when you change, instead of forcing this doubble check every time.
This. Please implement this. I use PTT for shooters, but toggle to VAD when I play Rocket League, and this feature would take a lot of guess work out of the equation.
5 -
Yes, please and a sound notification and a visual indicator somewhere for Toggle VAD.
2 -
It'd be nice if the visual bit was also the toggle button. Not everyone wants to setup the keybind for this, or even knows that you can. I'd use this more than the mute and deafen buttons.
1 -
Would be nice to have some sort of client side visual for this.
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