Report user


319 yorum

  • Beatrice ▽

    Hello there,

    You can make your complaint notification from the section, they cannot provide instant support from here.

    Hopefully your problem will be solved as soon as possible


    Best wishes,


  • ♱ Yume

    We should ban this ID personal swear to people's families 303573516962234369 so pathetic :dd 

  • Mmustafa

    322668001407008769 This user He is swearing to me (Turkish language) 

  • WolfBlitzerTR25

    r0wkok # 0001 doing b4b in turkish id:487883664168976406

  • KaraPisicik

    Dm advertisement ID:784737806299299861
    Message ID: 820343613866770462

  • lenavells

    User ID: 479284972356763649

    Trying to report this account here because it is one of the accounts that try to scam you by impersonating as a discord staff. 

    They messaged me talking about how my account was reported and I have to send money to a PayPal account. They also try to get you to change your email so that they could “confirm” the legitimacy of your account. 

    Please ban/report this account, and this may happen to you as well. Just watch out for people on your friends list saying that they reported you and that you have to friend a “discord support”. 


  • jozoda

    Today (GMT+2) at 17:17, the person in the picture below entered our discord server and wrote to one member (maybe more, but that's all so far). The person would probably send a scam link later. What can be filtered out at first is that he is a beginner scammer from Portugal.

  • R C N

    this is the feedback server if you want to report other members pls follow this link

    Discord Support

  • ♱ Dépiédra Łagér ٴ

    441619067594473482 Fake Cc And Nitro Gift cc hacker

  • Discord Admin⛔

    530363439932243968 He blew up my server.

  • Паленкова

    684347829052899335 Being insensitive and making fun of a girls suicide.Also,posses a potential threat towards those with suicidal thoughts or tendencies.

  • Affetmez

    Merhabalar Xloeran adlı kişi nitro vercem diyor 10 invite yaptım nitromu vermedi

  • Alpha012

    Please ban this person:FROSTY#0420

    He stole all of my personal information by saying ''I made a bot that makes your server better'' He told he needs my address and even I didin't give any personal information to him,he somehow got my: Address (I traveled so the address is no longer valid),my IP address,my real first name and my real last name and pretty much all of my personal information. He sold all of that personal information in Doxbin. He doxxed me and I dont want this to happen to another people. I needed to delete my Discord account and my Discord server called Alpha's Place. Please ban him.

    Oh btw I re-opened my discord account because I can't live without discord.

  • ᵍᵒᵈˢツEreN.

    704844862981144689 Was doing a spam pls ban him

  • ! Darwinᴬˡᶠᵃ

    ! Bartu#0001 kendisi platformda hesap satıyor ve dolandırıcı arkadaşım bir hesap almış ve ardından engel atmış lütfen hesabının kapatılmasını istiyorum. ID 606221391431335937

  • YuSuF

    593057362554912771 id Numaralı şahış  685888224253706274 İd numaralı bot ile sunucumu Hacklemiştir Banlanmasını Arz ederim.

  • Marlinetta 고 🌈⃤

    they profaned everyone very heavily 

    667311682694938637 - 507608039054901248 -


  • $Legends™|Emir..

    melih/12#9642 This user He is swearing to me (turkısh language)

    user id: 688136212736770128

    message id: 768730678903963648-781237571363668011

    proof :

  • @anezdoank


  • Yurooki-sama

    This User's Exception Is Constantly Changing. He Tells Us That He Changes Himself, But Even When He's In The Game, He Changes
    I Think He's Using Self-Token.

    User Id:464707200544407553

  • Spindy for life

    beni başkasıyla sevgili olarak gösteriyor ve nickimi çalıyor çok rahatsız oluyorum
    bir an önce yapılması lazım olan şeyi yapın lütfen

  • Emirhan'

    Ecem#1597     703223392702169109             




    Discord 13 yaş altı kullanımı 

  • Victrix

    ID : 355656659894403074
    Nickname : Press F#5245
    Cursing and familial swearing for no reason, I couldn't take a photo, he deleted them all
    ID : 355656659894403074
    Nickname : Press F#5245
    Ailesel ve sebepsiz yere küfür, fotoğrafını maalesef çekemedim küfür edip hemen sildi

  • Safari Minimalism

    Ban this user trying Get my IP Code: 818805081104973834
    also this user Saying You are Turkish, IM NOT TURK IM ENGLISH.

  • 855119790595113011 pls ban plugin. (Turkish language)

  • Ozturkberkay171

    947037984174272542 13 yaşından küçük olduğunu iftira etti

  • arandomcreature

    who is it? i might help 

  • Abenzertessma

    Yesterday I sent money to one of the staff members from a big crypto server hoping he would advertise my own server. Instead after I paid him he blocked me and I can't contact him anymore.  I paid him 0,17 ethereum (about 400 dollars) his discord id is: 855531446382100480. He has a server of over 200k members so I imagine he has done this to other people. The server is skyline web give giveaway & social & nft.

  • BOLT

    hi this guy 547537829131976714 is asking to pay for someone for the ip address and i'm scared it is me please ban him

    here is his message 686258781709008899

  • † love

    693419619163176971 this user 


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