Allow Subscribing to Nitro via PayPal Balance



23 yorum

  • noobmad2000

    Yeah 2 days ago I asked if it was possible to use the balance and they said no but that we could give the idea, so upvote!

  • Noah

    I've always paid with my Paypal balance. So thats working.

  • Weasel Beans

    There's no option for me to do that Noah.

  • LuciferM

    this is serious shit there is no reason that we should not be allowed to buy it from balance

  • mist

    I found out how to. Just buy it on your iPhone and it uses PayPal balance

  • GoatSketch

    They should implement that for all devices, not only for iPhone. Many people don't have iPhones.

  • zp4rker

    Been wanting to buy a nitro gift for ages, sadly I have no credit or debit card. Would love to be able to pay using Paypal balance. The only real workaround is buying a prepaid visa giftcard.

  • _. boris !™♡

    You need an Iphone. to pay with your sold (balance)


  • Judge

    I asked the same thing, seems strange that it doesn't allow for that already. Since PayPal is primarily a Bank Account with a balance. I am totally up for that UPVOTE!

  • Spectre Celia

    Just wanted to buy a gift till it told me to add a card...

  • spoko

    why they dont add this yet xDDDD

  • Celeste-

    Waiting this to be added..

  • zp4rker

    so ive found out that if you have a card connected to your paypal account and select that as the payment method, it'll use your balance first. ive got 2 prepaid visa giftcards which ive added to my paypal and am able to pay with my balance 😁

  • Thonolan

    Can confirm, if you have a card in PayPal and chose it as payment method you first get billed from your PP balance if you have funds in it.

  • Ronin!

    Exactly, they should really add more payment methods. Like I mean money is money.


  • Weasel Beans

    I have payment methods on my account Thonolan, it still gives no option. For other services there'll be an option to pay out of your balance.

  • ShuuChi

    I'm gifting my friends Discord Nitro for Christmas and their birthday, it's coming up and I've been doing art commissions and saving money for this. I'm disappointed to know that you can't get Nitro with your PayPal balance.... (´。_。`)

    Please allow us to pay with this! Upvote!

  • Noah

    It's possible! I just added my empty prepaid card and its always taking my paypal balance unstead of the card's.

  • Celeste-

    Some explaination to stop this post being up.

    You can just select a paypal payment method, just go with credit card, if your paypal have sufficient balance, paypal will be automaticly use your balance instead of charge from your credit card, this is completely handled by paypal side, not discord side.

  • ShuuChi

    Noah, I don't have a card so I can't put anything, not even an empty card because I don't have a card that is supported by PayPal.

  • Nothiccupcake

    Please explain where and how can I buy a visa for Paypal

  • Egirl

    it does work, you just need to connect a credit card to your paypal before buying

  • RoWithJason

    Obama what if I don't have any credit card cause I'm below 18?


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