
427 yorum

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    I'll just wait till you calm down and stop writing in all caps
    Mainly since
    1. I aint part of the discord team
    2. How am i ment to get your acc back when i dont even know how to 'undisable' your account

  • ShamanDorn

    Then just be patient and don't use the wrong website for your complaints.

  • boomer69420

    hello discord team 

    ive got disabled my account 6:11 am i was about to sleep i joined so many servers then leave it once and your mods or admins just disabled my account 𝐼𝒸𝓎*-𝒯𝑒𝒶*#9655 for joining servers humanly as possible and i wanted to get my account back because i've spent two years of discord entirely and i sincerely apologizing to my actions that i do yesterday please disabled my account back i promise i wont do it again its my first time being disabled thank you for reading.

    if a mod see this add me boomer69420#6833 pm me if i had a problem of getting my account thank you

    Your Regards 


  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    Thats 1
    2. I aint a kid. Im 20yrs old ffs

  • Ángel

    So, someone hacked my account and used over 100$ for nitro boosting but discord disabled my account for it. What do I do? I sent 2 reports out and I'm unsure of what to do now

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    And they are possibly ignoring you now for a couple of days/weeks bc of the fact that u spammed their twitter, their support email, etc.

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    U know that if someone decides to full on spamm them then they will ignore/block the spammer
    Doing so they will finish helping everyone who needs help
    Plus did you contact support the way it was shown on the vid
    If not that could also be the reason of this situation

  • $h4døw__Hunt3r

    1. Im not a kid like i said earlier
    2. Don't think your gonna get that account back soom imo

  • Wonderツ

    My account was falsely disabled, I was in a voice chat with my friend and then all of a sudden I get kicked out of my account, I am upset and furious at the fact that people on the discord staff team don't know how to do their job. I physically want proof of me disobeying the rules for discord because I know for sure that I have done nothing wrong. I respect discords policy and make sure everything I do is right before I do it. Discord is an amazing platform don't get me wrong, but the staff team needs a bit more work before just disabling peoples accounts randomly. I have reached out to discord 3 times (yes I understand that it can get annoying but then again, it isn't my fault that discord messed up and disabled my account for no reason.) and they haven't even responded on why my account was disabled, how long my account is disabled, or even just a word back. I hope someone sees this and looks into my ticket and see what's going on. Again, I don't believe that I messed up but if I was in the wrong, I greatly apologize and it wont happen again. I  made sure I look over all of the rules but I didn't see anything in there that I broke. I'm not sure if my account is getting undisabled or if it even is going to undisabled.

  • Cocam123


    I understand that this can be unpleasant.

    Please contact the Discord team via this link : https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

    This website is only for idea/feedback

  • ~ZAYN~

    please return my id back I am really sorry if I did something wrong it's really my fault 




  • Drake

    Hello discord, ive got banned yesterday night. Id like to get gently undisabled because now ive lost all my friends and servers. Have a great day!

  • John-117

    Hi my name is James. I've owned my Discord (James-005#0005) and i've owned Discord for about 3 years, my account disabled has affected me mentally since i met my girlfriend on Discord and had to make a new discord just to talk to her and my friends. The reason why i was banned was because of "Harassment" the only 2 times i've done something like that was to someone who was falsely reporting people on the discord and the other person was a child predator. If you can contact me please contact my Twitter (@Zacksterr) I don't believe anything i've done is wrong and i should be given another chance.

    Kind Regards ~ James

  • simo

    Undisable my friend Kane plz he work so hard on his server


  • EshanMistry73

    Did you ever get a reply? They seem to be ignoring myself too!

  • Alaitria_Kane

    Hello Discord


    I have had my discord account for a few years now, and joined a lot of servers and met a lot of friends. My account was AL#4961 and my gmail is alaitria120@gmail.comRecently I noticed I had my account disabled by your team for violating your Terms of Service. I don't need an explanation as to why. I know this has to do with me spamming in one discord server, which violates the communications section of the Terms of Service. I came here in hopes of getting my account back. I now know it was very immature of me to do what I did, and I am sorry. If you don't want to un-disable my account before it's deleted, I understand.



    Alaitria Kane.

  • Syndicate

    hello ★★★ ☭ 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 ☭ ★★★ i just got my account disabled for violating rules, i understand my mistake i was very rude and mean to someone and i would like to apologize for the both of u, am sorry for saying all the mean words and being disrespectful and sorry for asking for help discord but this is urgent, my account has family members friends my love and etc please i cannot live without this account i will lose my job and my friends cuz they can think i quieted discord please my username is Syndicate#7228 and its under the email norimabtol@gmail.com, please send help

  • FreshGuyBruh

    Discord Team, I really hope I can get my account back. If I broke any community guidelines, I'm extremely sorry. I have Nitro and other services and discord, and I really just want my account back. Its all I use for communication and I don't want to seem like a spammer reaching out to you guys often, I'm merely just asking for my lovely account back and a second chance. I solemnly swear I will not violate the guidelines again. If I violated the rules I'm so sorry, I wasn't aware that I may have been hurting someone's experience on the platform. I just really want my account like I said earlier. Please Discord Support. I really love the platform and it would mean a lot if you gave me an opportunity to get my account back.

    Email:mohssinisaac@gmail.com(if you want to see my appeals I've made for account access)


    FreshGuy#6999(The account that's disabled and the account I'm appealing for)

  • Mr.zinkey[banned]

    Guys I REALLY really feel guilty and i was not at all aware of my fault i am sooo srrry to u Discord i dont wanna lose my friends at all plz i really cant live without it plz plz help me plz i beg u plz it was not my fault plz help me plz i cant live without it plz its very very important to me plz help me plz plz

    Mr.Zinkey#7777 plz i want this account back plz

    plz if u wanna contact to me u will find me at amitokyaya@gmail.com
    plz help me Sir/Ma'am
  • Hot Icefalls

    We need evidence that this is Actually your account (Accounts) 

    Submit a request On support.discord.com.
    Show us any pic or evidence that you have bought something before (Nitro/etc.)

    Also we need to know the old email that was used. If you don't have anything like this (evidence) Then we can't help you, sorry. 

    Pls email us or submit a request. if you wanna talk about it, add me on discord or keep chatting on here.
  • The Red

    i lost my account because of the anger.. now i cant reach my most of my servers and my online friends. BRUH. 

  • 𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ✰

    they are doing the same to me .

  • That1Gamer

    And discord I hope you #StaySafe!!!!!!!


  • 86

    i got banned for joining servers too fast df

  • MoD

    I do not know why I have been disabled as I have done absolutely nothing to harm anyone I think the person may reported me by accident and got the wrong person because I am a really nice person I promise and I was wondering if I can get my account back please?

  • ALT NS/YFK45

    3 months ago i got falsely banned because someone reported me and my friends for no reason and my old discord associated with the email was rosariocelentano@live.com and this is the email associated with my account so yeah my account is gone and i lost everything and could i have it back all my stuffs,because i miss my account so much and i was sad that time and i want get it back please, i dont beg so much but because its my important account and i grew up with my discord account and its my important tho, but un-ban when you guys can because its 3 months im writing this from the email and i didnt got un-banned, i got disabled on 15th June then next month after i got banned for nothing and i was scared when i checked so i wanna get it back, i dont want get banned for a false reason just because someone reported me and my friends and that means we got banned for nothing? no then we got falsely banned, i want my account back gently please.
    The email is rosariocelentano@live.com and the account tag is Noichigo Sukio (YFK45)#7197 and please enable (im not an bot and i dont want feel like a bot ;-;)




    (the email abuse one didn't worked so- im sukio ALT and i recognized the full story about this, sorry to repost or spam :/)

  • amor

    Hello Discord, 

    just wanted too let it be known that i did all the steps required too show that i am not underage. I included my passport and a selfie of myself. please check your emails. 

    my account name is amor#4553


  • LightningShadowKing


    I got my account disabled after trying to send someone nitro, Im rly sry for this and I hope you can reactivate my account, I simply cant be without my account, its rly important to me because all my friends, rewards, and servers are there. And I hope you can reactivate it and I promise I wont make this same mistake again, thank you

  • Lilacpain

    Hello discord, I've owned my other discord account for THREE YEARS and I was BOOM banned for something I "did" a few days ago. It's really awful to be banned for something others did on my server, and if not then I have no clue why I was banned. Can you please tell me? My username was fern#6890 and honestly if I had known what I did was wrong (if it is what I think it is) I wouldn't have done it, but can you please give me my account back? I believe I should be given another chance. Nobody wants me banned, and even theperson who reported me admitted to being a troll! Can you please give me another chance? I don't care if you have to keep me out of a server or anything but during covid my account is the only way to contact people! With no warning I can't even tell them I'm gone! And my boyfriend's chat is there. I can contact him elsewhere and that's it, but for sentimental reasons I would like to be able to keep his chat with all the memories. Can you please unban me? I already said via email I won't do it again but then the team said "go check the original email to see why you were banned" and I'm so confused it didn't give proof...please unban me! 

  • Lilacpain

    Also, I think I know that the mistake is? Not sure, but if it is what I think it was, I won't do it again! <3 Promise.  


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