Custom Statuses should be nitro only


6 yorum

  • Sophie *Hold your Applause*

    ...and remove a feature that everyone Enjoys behind a pay wall? Not everyone can afford nitro. 

  • husk

    it's a cosmetic feature, i can't afford nitro either but you have to look at discord like a business and sacrificing some cool features to help the hard working staff members get the payment they deserve should be at least considered an option, I figured i would get downvoted into hell but I just wanted to offer my opinion

  • Sophie *Hold your Applause*

    As someone who actually can afford nitro and pays for it monthly, I still would not like to see that locked behind a pay wall. Statuses help me know what my friends are doing without me having to ask them and get disturbed if they are busy. They are a high school student without any way to make money, and sometimes getting messaged distracts them. So the status thing really helps and would ruin that if it ended up being a nitro only feature.

  • husk

    thank you for the input, it was very well said, do you think that at least maybe discord could add something more to the custom statuses that have a nitro only feature? I just feel like paying $10 a month doesn't have enough to it for me to want to pay other than to support developers

  • -- D A R K --

    So the answer here isn't to take away a nifty feature, it's to offer an -upgraded- version for Nitro users.  Letting everyone in the community have a base feature helps with engagement and to provide value.  It keeps people choosing the platform as a whole, rather than going elsewhere, like bookface.  The way to allow it to add value to nitro or boosted servers and users is to add little features to what's already there.  Maybe a color picker if you're boosted or nitro.  Maybe custom emotes.  Maybe animated emotes/effects.  There's a lot of ways to make a great free feature and then add aesthetic value, without hiding the feature wholly behind a paywall.

    Because real talk - I have NO reason for Nitro right now.  Add -these- features... and I totally would.  I'm not a streamer.  But these aesthetic features... I'd jump on them in a heartbeat.  

  • Sophie *Hold your Applause*

    That's a very good point you made Dark. I can follow behind colors and stuff.


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