Black screem on everything (solved)


31 yorum

  • [X]ineri

    Yes same, started today, can see if open at browser thou, try everyting (einstall, clear cache etc) still the same

  • Maruni

    Same, time frame is about the same as well. I downloaded all new drivers for my video cards and everything. No idea.

  • долбоёб

    Same, also tried every viable option, nothing worked.

  • Psycho

    ye same for me i tryed everythig but its still just pure black

  • King Wolf

    Yep, same. Soon as Discord auto-installed the latest update all I have is a pure black box.

  • Windii

    I got Discord to work again by making discord.exe run in Windows Xp service pack 3 compatibility mode, and run with administration rights.


    I also had that black screen when i started discord this morning, was working fine yesterday and this morning just black screens.

    Uninstalled, deleted everything even registry in regedit, deleted discord folder in roaming folder in appdata etc then fresh installation and still didn't work,  just using pure discord never used any extenstions.

  • Haunter

    OMG Windii!!! You are a lifesaver!

    Had the same issue, submitted a ticket. Tried putting it in Windows XP SP 3 compatibility mode and it worked!

  • Psycho

    how do i downlaod windows XP SP 3 on windows 7 ?

    if you know please message me on discord Psycho#7993


  • Кaгga (Sercan)

    Windii  .. 

    its worked !  .. u are my savior  
    thank u ♥

  • Megz

    yeh well played windii  worked for me 2

  • Ky

    Thank you Windii! Super easy fix once I knew what to do.

    To clarify, I run Discord on Windows 7 and ran into this problem after the latest update.

    Simply right-click the Discord icon, then click Properties.

    Under the Compatibility tab, checked the first box (Run this program in compatibility mode for:)

    For me Windows XP (Service Pack 3) was already selected, and hit Apply.

    Restarted Discord and its back! (and not in black)


  • Watashinonamaewa Rizal - desu

    Thanks dude you are my life saver

  • unmeshunnu

    even changing compatibility settings did not have any effect  my discord is still all black

  • Karasu

    So yeah..... none of the fixes I have found work for me.  This was my last hope. 

    It doesn't give me the option to change my compatibility....... Any thoughts? 

  • King Wolf

    @Karasu I spent hours googling that when mine didn't have the compatibility tab either.

    Open your windows explorer, click on "Local Disk (C:)" then use the search bar to search for "discord" - wait for all the options to load and in there there'll be a discord.exe file that will have the compatibility tab when right clicked-properties.
    Make sure to select "Use this setting for all users" or next time you open discord it'll be back to the black screens and you have to search for the .exe and manually choose to run in compatibility mode service pac 3 again.

  • nguyenvo

    many thx to u . i did what u said . it really works 


  • Kitty Amazing

    I've been having the same problem today. Trying to uninstall and reinstall was a nightmare alone. Turns out it's just this simple fix. Glad I finally found this.

  • bappo

    what if, for some reason, my computer doesn't have service pack 3?

  • hi im nolly

    when is there going to be a fix that works? i have no service pack 3. im just gonna start using the browser version at this point

  • Kitty Amazing

    What are your options for compatibility mode? It may work with another version. Have you tried all of them?

  • Sonkei

    What do I do if I don't have Wondows xp Service Pack 3????

  • OreDiamond

    Yea, I don't have it. I am on Windows 10, if anyone can help me please DM me. OreDiamond#3447

  • Yumi

    I'm on Windows 10, I dont have Service Pack 3, if anyone can help pls DM me. Yumi#1080

  • OreDiamond

    Hi Yumi, I sent you a FR. I am OreDiamond#3447, I'll tell you what worked for me as I am also Windows 10.

  • Sleepy-Teary-Skulls

    I have that problem, but I can't fix it. I even tried running it with administration rights with no luck! I can still use discord on my phone, but my computer one won't work. It was working earlier today, but then it suddenly stopped working

  • LackerRL

    I've had the same issue as well. Can still use Discord on my phone so contact LackerRL#6916 to help. Thanks

  • kopraldodon

    not work for me :(

  • rainyface

    I tried all of the options before hand but it doesn't work for me..

    I have a Windows 10. 

  • Endorakai

    Better compatibility with the browser version (no download/in-browser) for all browsers currently in use would be the more likely approach to eliminating issues on any platform while minimizing coding needed. Right now, on the Xbox (Xbox Edge Browser), the in-browser client fails to load the website properly. This causes the website to just spin the loading icon forever... Wished this would get fixed. UWP would the BEST way to include it on Xbox - While we are talking about compatibility and inclusion to Discord across platforms.

  • StealHC

    Glad everyone else got it to work but for me it hasnt. It gets close but the i get caught in a constant permission loop that wont allow me to download it fully. This shit is annoying as hell


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