No notification sounds while playing games
Hello, I'm having an issue for weeks, Basically when I'm playing World of Warcraft or any games, I'm not receiving any sounds from notifications, I have Overlay on, I can see notifications on there, but just no sounds at all. I tested it on different games, same issue. But it happens when I play game. Like when I'm on chrome or something else, I can hear notifications, but no overlay, think it is because of I'm on desktop
So I tried to disable overlay, I started to receiveing sounds from notifications, but thingy is I dont have overlay so. I cant have both of them :c
I'm here for report this issue, think I'm the only one who has this issue and I literally have no idea how to fix this!
Experiencing the same issue on Windows 10, playing Factorio.
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I was also really bummed out on the same issue.
I'd also like to see this feature get added with an option to enable / disable overlay notification sound!7 -
Been having the same issue!! Please fix!
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This has been happening to me for a while now. I don't remember when the overlay stopped making notification sounds, but it's annoying since I have to rely on the overlay to see my messages ingame.
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Same thing. Pls do something, like make it fashionable to have two modes on, with or without sound.
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I am having this issue as well as of the past few days.
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Notification sounds do not exist in the overlay in ANY game, despite the fact that there is a text pop-up notification. This is the main reason why I have to not use the overlay...
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Alerzerrt, one of my firend who use the overlay too has the sound of the notifications with the overlay so idk why there's no sound for me. Maybe I'm in too much discord servers.
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_BaxiTox_, sorry for my English, but I kind of have notification sound if text notifications are not enabled in the overlay. At least, I sort of checked it out recently while I was hanging out with tech support.
Welcome from Russia with quarantine1 -
Mine fixed itself after the recent update! I presume it’ll fix itself for you guys as well. Unfortunately you’ll have to deal with it until then. It’s a real nuisance but will finally go away.
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Thank you very much xDyzzii for this answer ! I wish the update will come soon for the French version of Discord.
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I'd also really like to see an option to enable/disable overlay notification sounds. I always miss messages because I'm pretty reliant on a notification sound to notice when there's a new message.
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I've been having this same problem as well. Just woke up one day to no sounds and my mic not working. Never messed with the audio output, the jack, my headphones, the mic itself, or w/e else could've effected it. SUPER annoying.
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Fix this, please...
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I have the same problem, it's very frustrating.Fix this, please ...
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Okay, so I had the same problem and with a friend we found out that you can either have text or sound notification by enable/disable the option in the screenshot below. When it's off there is sound notification, but you don't get text pop-up window in-game. Hope I was helpful to some of you
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Alex D, I already knew about this but the problem with this is that you can't have the notification pop-up and the sound at the same time and this is the problem because I had the notification pop-up and notification sound at the same time before and I don't know why I doesn't have them together now.
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I also am having the same problem, one day I had both sound and visual notifications while in game. The next I can only have one or the other.
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I am pretty sure I also had this months ago but now the in-game overlay text message notificitation doesn't give a notification sound too :c which is really sad, I found it really helpful.
I would really appreciate it if an option could be added to disable/enable the sound notification for it, for those who find it an interruption and for those who does not and actually want to have a sound notification with the overlay pop-up text message too, or in case users wanted to switch between them every now and then.
So I upvoted too for it! Hopefully this happens one day!
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yep still having this issue, I thought it was something i did or it was something with my discord that would be fixed if i quit the game i was playing or close and reopen discord, but its not fixed it. I sure hope they fix this as the notification can blend in at times with games making u have no idea if someone messaged u or not.
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Yea, same for me. I've been having some problems getting sound too. Several days ago, it was working properly. Today, I noticed this problem occurred. I've tried to disable notifications, that's when Window's notification pops up, but it's different from Discord. I want to pop up at a different corner.
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Hi, im back,
I said the issue went, but sadly it has now come back...
I've emailed discord multiple times regarding this issue but haven't received any response nor solution.
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I'm having the same problem too. I can either have the message pop up on my screen or i can have the notification sound. But not both. I'm 100% sure that i used to always have the pop up and the notification sound. Why did this get changed? Its extreamly inconvenient. Best thing would be if u could chose sound and pop up separately and together. Very frustrated smh.
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I've been having this problem for months now, it affects every game I play, and I have to either trade seeing the notification or hearing the audio, not both.
I really need this to be fixed.0 -
I've been dealing with this problem for MONTHS. Its been happening on both of my PCs as well, one of which I built 4 months ago.
I've probably updated discord 30+ times since it started happening and it still hasn't been fixed. But hey, at least we can all use GIFs now.
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Please discord, please fix this issue!!!
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just wanted to chime in since it's been a month, and i don't expect discord to care about doing anything about it by this point, but it's still a problem. many months ago we had both, the pop up and sound notifications. now i can only have one or the other because why? l like being able to see the notification in case it's something simple that i don't need to response to right away, but it's also terrible because if i happen to be focused on another part of the screen or god forbid not looking at the screen at that exact moment and miss the pop up, i have no indication that anything has happened, causing me to miss a variety of messages relating to gaming, talking with friends, and even work. this is really rather silly considering it worked just fine before. if people were complaining about having both, at least give those of us that use it the option to have it, it's a simple toggle switch for crying out loud...
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I just wish discord could see this and act on it! It’s the biggest pain ever, I always miss dms and messages!
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has this been resolved?
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I've been having this issue myself for a few weeks now. I've gotten used to it, but it's annoying to have the sound notification appear in everywhere else but not World of Warcraft. Not sure why or how this happened.
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