Specific Server Member Communicating Through VCs
I would like to be able to speak to a specific server member personally when they are in a different channel without having to leave my channel and go to theirs.
Basically a one on one speaking system where you can communicate with members of your server who are in another voice channel. This can ideally be done through a specific keybind.
8 -
Yessss! Please Discord we need that!!!!!!!!!!
8 -
This is a long awaited change that would expand the regular VC experience exponentially.
7 -
7 -
Please do. This is such a needed feature.
7 -
No matter how obscure this is to the discord staff team, it really isn't for us, the users and It's a really helpful feature that I bet people have wanted for a while.
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6 -
I agree. I think this would make many people's jobs easier, specially Moderation.
7 -
so basically add a key bind to send you to the set channel?
-2 -
This is not a keybind to go to a channel, this is allowing a person to be able to speak directly to one person in another VC that is in the server. Think of it as being a moderator of large team fight, and you need to speak to one specific person breaking a rule, so you don't call them out to everyone.
i.e I want to speak to this guy while im in this channel, so I don't have to go swap VC's to an empty one, if there is an empty one, to talk to this guy.4 -
Big brain idea
4 -
No, you should be in Dms Voice Call, 1 one 1 in 2 different channels is really dum.
-3 -
nothing understood-_-
2 -
Aah, no, I get it. Thanks. =)
4 -
I like this suggestion.
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