Seen/Unseen & Last online Suggestion
Hello Discord Team!
I wanna give a suggestion.
Is much as I've seen, I'm not the only one who wants a feature of having a "Seen/Unseen" feature. I really hope that this feature to be added.
Also, I think there should be "Last Online" as well. This would make us feel a lot comfortable in Discord.
I hope you see this message and I hope you add those features!
Yes pls
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Yes, please!! And for those expressing concern with privacy issues, create it as a toggle switch option set to OFF as the default. I'm finding that I'm having to message my partner and friends through other apps (and they message me as well) to see if the other received the message. Don't need them to answer right away, but do need to know whether they've seen it or not. Especially for times like when meeting up at a location and details have changed. Don't need an answer, just need to know they've received the updates. Instead, I've been having to switch back over to LINE, Messenger or WhatsApp. Prefer Discord to all of these so hoping this feature will be added. Pretty Please....
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okay discord team hear us out we NEED these features, especially the last online one
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This is a duplicate of :
Please check it and upvote if you think its important. Many people already upvoted, as its a needed feature. For a better Discord in 2022!
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