Raise hand/ I have something to say button.
We would like to see a "raise your hand" like feature for large group chats to indicate when someone has something to say. Microsoft Teams already has this, it would be amazing if discord had it also.
The raise hand feature is a new addition to Microsoft Teams that allows you to notify the host and other participants that you have something to add to the on-going conversation. The feature is quite useful for companies that hold webinars with multiple participants and schools that remotely conduct classes.
I think this is a fantastic idea. Large chats can be very congested, and sometimes loud, this would be perfect to allow others to speak without getting agitated.
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If Discord had this, and the ability to set up short polls without having to use emoji reacts, I could immediately start teaching online college courses using it.
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i hoped they do it cuz i want to suggest this app for my colloge to use for online teaching
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This was proposed two years ago, but has not yet been implemented. And this is strange to me.
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I've been wanting that for a while nor. It is a very much needed features, as there is a no way to have a bot do this.
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Yes, please, we need this. This would be great for gaming and other group discussions
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It is very useful for teaching, conferences, and digital board games like the mafia, spy fall, alias, mafia, etc.
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Maybe by adding a simple 🤚 to the back of their name, like in Zoom. This may be easier said than done, but perhaps someone could make this a bot? And including other features, like a 👍 or 👎 , etc etc.
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Agree, especially for classroom or rpg sessions
Can be associated with visual icon as well as chime
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Need this for our academy
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This would be great for our business use cases.
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