https://discorcl.click/gift/steam DONT CLICK IN THIS LINK
Another fake Web - http://gavenitro.com/
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in general in the hole internet:
do not click unknown links & be very carefully with "free" links, they are 99,9% scam
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i recoverd my steam account :))
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unfortunately i lost my steam account. i couldn’t recover due to this scam.
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how would someone recover their account after this?
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honestly idk
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Leave steam support message.. that account got compromised.. you will be asked for phone number first email ..
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add me on discord if someone needs help !
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I am taking action against scammers :) i closed the first link :) and i will close the second link !
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Amiga Mircioclu1997 me ayudas a recuperar mi cuenta de steam mi discord es ( Gian26#3784 )
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for some one have hacked account just try to login then press forgot password then.. try to recovery via Telephone number or Gmail becare full my friend's Discord Account is hacked for this
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if you dont remember added some messages like this please change your account Password and do report to discord help and support center
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can someone help me recover my account? mine was also hacked by this nitro link bullshit
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I didn't have any account on nitro I tried to create but it didn't
Scammer tried to scam and I scared him0 -
ye just got my account stolen: 50 dollars worth of steam games stolen
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Mine just got stolen as well, can’t recover with email cause the email was changed within less than a second. Hopefully steam can help me recover my account
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Update steam reset my email and changed my password for me :)
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m not sure but i think here is another scammy website https://discord-airdrop.com/steam-nitro0
Yes PizDute i was been scam by this https://discord-airdrop.com/steam-nitro it's too real for me now i waiting to recover my account. Hope that i can get it back.
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http://steamnltros.ru/airdrop DO NOT CLICK, THIS IS ANOTHER SCAM (at least i think, because there is no s after http and its from russia)
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For you who wonder how to recover your steam account, there is a way that you can check in the real steam website, the only thing you must provide is your transaction receipt that steam sends you into your email.
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I just sent a request to steam as my dumb self fell for this scam. I should have known. But is it a high chance I will get my account back? I am really devastated.
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yes, it is, as long as you have proof that the steam account belongs to you.
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What are some examples of proof? When I sent them a request I put the previous email that was used for the steam acc (my personal email) and there was an option to put something like transaction but I left that blank because when I bought those games it was from a VISA card that has now been expired and no longer in use. The part where you could write down a description of what happened and I wrote that I fell for the Nitro scam. If I get a follow up email from Steam Support what other proof should I list down?
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Also follow up what I said above ^^
When you send a request does your steam account get locked or?
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The proof is the receipt of the transaction when you bought a game from steam, that usually sent to an email that linked to your steam account
"there was an option to put something like transaction but I left that blank"
put that receipt in there.0 -
Could I follow up my request after and add an extra comment if that is a thing?
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yes, you can, just make sure you add the extra comment on the same page of your request, they usually sent your report page link to you via email after you make a report, so you can provide them with more detail if you have it.
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Okay will do. I know its a process but do you know how long they take to respond back. I maybe a little antsy due to the fact I actually fell for such a scam. But other than that, thanks for the help!
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for me, they take 2 or 3 working days or more. hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
you're welcome.0
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