Web3 Integration w/ Discord
I remember a bit ago Discord did a survey about NFT integration and stuff.
Ever since, I haven't been able to sleep at night because I've dreamt about people being able to link their Ethereum, Solana and Cardano wallets to Discord and then having the option to display your NFTs on your discord profile or something.
Discord I know you're interested: make the world a better place and become pro-NFT. Please.
nfts are stupid
2134 -
nfts use way too much energy. its reallly not sustainable in its current state.
also most nfts are ugly1976 -
This and NFTs as a whole are a terrible idea if Discord wants to continue operating without intervention from government agencies when they inevitably becoming exceedingly regulated. Do not support NFTs in any official capacity or support creators/games operating primarily based on blockchain.
1828 -
Terrible idea.
1396 -
Discord owners have seen the huge cash cow that are NFTs for the owners of the pyramid schemes and they want in on it.
This move is incredibly destructive for the environment and will expose to what is basically gambling a huge community of young people.
This is truly evil shit.1265 -
if nfts become a part of discord everyone should chargeback nitro
1261 -
NFT more like no f*cking thanks
1046 -
Discord...how about a REAL survey. Something like - Should Discord use NFTs? or Will you leave Discord if we use NFTs? Cause...I guarantee you those will be FAR more enlightening for you.
985 -
this has to be ironic. ain't no way.
976 -
If NFTs in discord has you that excited that you can't sleep, you should seek professional help. That's not normal.
975 -
You want some feedback? I'll give you some feedback: F**k NFTs.
937 -
Given the number of high-profile exit scams pulled by so-called NFT creators, I'm not sure why any platform wants to support a technology that seems to only exist to scam vulnerable users.
NFTs are not the future, they're simply a giant bubble created by con artists who just want to make a quick buck.872 -
I don't need my gamer chat app to implement money laundering technology, thanks.
820 -
Nobody asked for this.
Please spend your time working on features to make you competitive within a business environment.
759 -
I just canceled my Nitro sub purely on the basis that the CEO was tweeting about integrating NFTs. I'll only re up the sub if they do not do this.
NFTs are horrible, monstrous, and have no place on any platform whatsoever.705 -
Please do not listen to the minority that wants into this. Your userbase will absolutely hate you and the chatting software you've worked so hard to make will become shunned by practically everyone. I will not support any company that takes part of environmental destruction.
699 -
your fake money is worse than useless
689 -
nfts are bullshit
680 -
launder money elsewhere or better yet just Don't, Actually! NFTs are stupid as shit and apparently so are you & your team for wasting resources on it
581 -
If Discord adds NFT support, I'll cancel my Nitro sub, full stop.
562 -
Cancelled my nitro sub. Feeling good.
555 -
if you do this, so many people will look for a new platform. but im sure it makes more money overall, so if yall wanna chase that bag instead, you know where not to find us
550 -
NFTs are murdering our planet. Do not add NFT support.
547 -
NFTs in particular hinge on particularly environmentally destructive technology. This is a grift that has tremendous negative impact on the world as a whole. Please do not implement or integrate such technologies.
535 -
no one with a good moral compass likes nfts
502 -
get a life you insufferable nerd
395 -
If you think there can be such a thing as "green" or "good" NFTs, think again: https://everestpipkin.medium.com/but-the-environmental-issues-with-cryptoart-1128ef72e6a3
215 -
naturally the thing everyone needs right now during this time of anxiety about the future is uhh *checks notes* climate accelerationism disguised as a money laundering scheme disguised as *check notes* collections of jpegs
209 -
all i want for christmas is no nft support
204 -
stupidest shit i've ever heard. we don't need this here especially when it kills the planet and gives them a place to showcase their garbage.
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