The colors, the font, the rebrand.. Why?? It's terrible.
The oversaturated colors are such a terrible eye strain. I have a light sensitivity in my eyes so everything I use has to be on lowered brightness or dark modes. Unfortunately, saturated colors like this can't really be fixed via the brightness settings. It's either don't see the screen or be constantly blinded by the disgusting new colors. What happened to the soft periwinkle?? What was wrong with it?? It was a good color! Please for the sake of everyone who can't stand this nasty change, put it back! Not to mention the fonts are very hard to read. I'm not even dyslexic, but my eyes cannot focus on the letters at all to properly read it. I have ADHD so keeping my focus is hard to keep. This was just a terrible decision all around. The point of graphic design is to make sure that everything is readable for all ages and all types of people. The new look is just very disappointing and this gives me the feeling that discord is going down the same path Skype did where it's going to destroy itself. I fear it will be no longer user friendly and will just be another Corporation ™ that doesn't listen to it's users. I love discord but I fear this is going to be the start to the end.
Not to mention I've discovered my first major bug with the update. I've completely stopped getting notifications on mobile. 100% stopped. I've been trying to fix this for hours but nothing I do fixes it. Please, please make this right.
I noticed that Discord replied to someone’s concerns about accessibility with a feedback form! I filled it out already, so I hope others in do and share it with friends as well to let them know how inaccessible and garish the new colors, font, etc. are for users.
Link to their tweet about it:
Link to their Google form feedback itself: claim accessibility is taken very seriously, so let’s be sure to inform them of how difficult these new changes are for people.
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