physical pain from the new blurple.


5 條評論

  • Ozeah

    Having the same experience. I hadn't even realized it was an intentional change and thought it was a bug.. The color is making my eyes strain, for some reason. I think it's just a hard color, as with the logo. The softer purple from before was great, as was the logo.

  • iHolli

    This exactly. Fortunately for me on mobile I can't tell a difference inside the app but every time I'm on my home page the new color sticks out like a sore thumb, only it's my eyes. I already get a lot of eye related headaches. I'm baffled as to why the logo needed to be changed at all-- the new color is eyeburning, the new font is frankly just hideous and clunky, and the new logo looks like a game controller with the ends sawn off (vs it being really rounded off before). The old look was softer and didn't NEED to be "fixed" at all.

  • Intelligent Bloodsucker

    Yeah, the buttons and everything hurt to look at. Like I get it Discord wants to say it's growing, but it was nice soft and welcoming before. This just feels like the company is screaming in your face and trying to make us believe it's growing and being more business like. I'm currently attending the academy of art and had a course for just this. I got an A- in the Course. This Hurts to look at because the Hard blue is so vivid and makes me think they just hired some random artist or company to think this up. Like I get that not everything has to be pastel, but because The white Letter's in the buttons paired with the Grey Background (Going off what most people have) it makes it very confusing for the brain and ends up sending mixed messages. If I were to relate the color to a mood, it wouldn't be a pleasant one. Maybe Pain or Cold, Unfeeling, and maybe a dash of Annoyance.

    Like I'm great at making logos, I made my stream logo and my comic logos. The Old Logo was fine, I was very pleased with it. Now the Logo looks like someone got angry and destroyed their controller.

    And for the Font, The Old one was fine, this one looks meh and confuses me on why they changed it. However, If you want a suggestion for a *better* font to base it off, discord here are a couple of options:

    • Zrnic - Has a nice sleek, professional design to it, similar to playstation.
    • Bauhaus 93 - It's similar to the old design, yet still gives off the business look to it.
    • Agency FB - Has a thinner linewidth that makes it look like a business card.
    • Century Gothic - Again, A thinner style- but it's less angular than Agency FB
    • Yu Gothic Semi Bold - Kind of like Century Gothic, yet thicker and more pulled together

    I'm also providing samples of this with a compare to the eyesore of new color that they chose.

    Eyesore BG with White TextWhite BG with Eyesore TextGood Color BG with White Text

    White BG with Good Color Text

  • Owl128

    Yeah the blurple is what stood out to me most because it was just blinding compared to before and honestly I didn’t even realize that the shape of the logo changed at first. The new colors are odd and I don’t mind pings having a colorful box, but the outline around reactions is distracting and unnecessary in my opinion, and I think that was the thing that gave me the most whiplash when I opened discord and all of a sudden everything changed. 

    I don’t follow discord on social media, so if they had put out the changes little by little maybe it wouldn’t have been so jarring to me, but as it is right now the bright colors hurt whereas the old colors had calm and soothing vibes.

  • Helvetica 12Point

    Jumping on this bandwagon, the color just hurts my eyes and makes them not want to work, I have enough trouble as it is without that

